Druid shapeshift macro question

I need to do that lol

Really? Maybe it was a bug at launch that was fixed. I had to go back and change my cat macros after I got aquatic in hindsight.

Is there a way to condition a macro to perform depending on current stance?

For example: I key bind the following macro to a key:

/cast cat form

If I press it again, I just recast. I know that by mapping a second macro in that same key bind in that specific forms action bar set. Can you cancel form if already in that form?

yes. thats how powershifting works.

If I understand the question correctly:

/cancelform [noform:3]
/cast Cat Form

will cause you only to cancel form only if not already in cat form.

Thus, if you’re in any form besides caster or cat, the first line will put you into caster form. The second line will put you into cat if you’re in caster form or shift you back to caster if already in cat form.

If you change the second line to

/cast [noform:3] Cat Form

the macro will only shift you into cat and not also out of it.

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Hey bud, you need to add stance modifiers.
/cast [stance 1/2] Cancel Aura
/cast Cat form ect ect

If you need a template look for some warrior charge macros.

What’s with people adding the cancel form commands???
Why bother?
I’m not seeing ANY difference.
Clicking the default shapeshift button already cancels any form you are in. and click it again cancels the form you just went into. And the macro works identically with or without it. So what benefit is the “cancel form” command supposed to add?

In Classic your current form is not automatically cancelled when switching.

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it’s faster to use a macro when powershifting to max kitty deeps. Outside of that a powershift macro can be used to pop consumes like FR pots, health pots/cookies, stoneshield potions.
#showtooltip Dire Bear Form
/cancelaura Leader of the Pack
/cancelaura Predatory Strikes(Rank 3)
/use Greater Stoneshield Potion
/cast [noform:1] Dire Bear Form
It works so fast you don’t even see the change. It’s a game changer for bears. If you didn’t macro the use a switch out at the wrong time would mean insta death from a boss swing. The aura cancels were because sometimes when coming back into bear/cat LOtP or the attk power bonus would be missing. They might have fixed that, but it doesn’t hurt to have it there just in case.

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that macro doesn’t work all it does is drop form and drink a potion. What’s the benefit when you can already drink a potion as a bear? What game are you playing? You can’t shift faster than GCD anyway and the normal shift button works to do that. Doesn’t make sense to overcomplicate it when the default already does this and you can drink potions while shifted.

You can’t drink potions in bear form in classic. This is a classic post. As far as retail goes who cares?

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I’ve been meaning to copy and try that potion macro, and I keep forgetting. I don’t know why, it’s always a hassle to manually shift out and drink, you would think I’d remember to do that. Thx for posting it btw.

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It drops form, drinks a potion (neither of which are on the GCD), and casts Dire Bear Form.

Ah yeah, looks like this was already answered :slight_smile:

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If this thread is still going…

I like to heal as Treant, I would like a macro that toggles between Treant and Travel form. Useful for both quick moments and break snares in travel form then back to healing in treant form.

For all the hot single druids out there…figured out macros to toggle form for vanity and battle. edited Also accounted for indoor mechanism. If indoors it goes to no form and back to original form. thus breaking snares.

from Boomkin to Travel and back:
/cast [swimming,nostance:3] Travel Form; [indoors,nostance:2] Cat Form; [outdoors,nostance:3] Travel Form; [stance:2/3] Moonkin Form

from Treant to Travel and back:
/cast [swimming,nostance:3] Travel Form; [indoors,nostance:2] Treant Form; [outdoors,nostance:3] Travel Form; [stance:2/3] Treant Form

I’m not a druid nor will I ever probably be one, but this post seems really helpful

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I figured it out mate, I’ll link my macro. You can’t use cancel form macro because that will cause some problems. This is the syntax you need for cat form.

#showtooltip Cat Form
/cancelaura [stance:1] Dire Bear Form
/cancelaura [stance:2] Aquatic Form
/cancelaura [stance:4] Travel Form
/cast Cat Form

So as you can see, you do cancelaura commands on all of the other forms that you’re not in, then cast the form you want at the end. Every form has it’s own stance id, like Dire Bear Form is stance:1. The stance Ids just go from left to right on your stance bar.

To use these macros, I like using bartender and making a new stance bar and putting it where my old stance bar is.

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Very wrong, /cancelform gives you problems and doesn’t always work.

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At level 30 I have 4 forms, bear, aquatic, cat, and travel. I did a lot of trial and error and came up with the following

/cast [swimming,noharm] Aquatic Form;[noharm,outdoors] Travel Form; [harm,stance:0/2/4] Cat Form; [harm,stance:3] Bear Form

You have to go through Cat form to get to bear form but it’s all in one button, no cancelaura needed. casting spells at least in TBC, automatically cancels the animal forms. otherwise use a cancelaura in a macro with the spell you want to cast.

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Reviving for a more modern question.

If you wanted to make a macro that changed you into treant form, cast tranquility then cancel form. Would you use this?

#showtooltip Tranquility
/castsequence Treant Form(Shapeshift), Tranquility

or should it be?

/cast Treant Form(Shapeshift),
/cast Tranquility