Druid race/class combos

If night elf (nature) warlocks (fel/void) makes any sense, why don’t we have void elf druids or classic human druids. Even blood elf druids exist like Botanist Freywinn


Resource management. Blizzard has taken the stance that they need to develop racial-themed animal forms for any new Druids, so it’s just a matter of them dedicating a modeler and an engineer to implement new animal forms.



Say that to the race-agnostic Moonkin model added in 10.2.


Okay : ( I would’ve hoped the multimillion dollar company would’ve picked the expansion all about dragons/nature or hopefully this one to do it.

It would help make production look like a priority after there lawsuit…

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Hey, I agree. But that’s the excuse Blizzard keeps trotting out whenever they get asked in interviews. :dracthyr_shrug:

You’d think so, but I’ve been around long enough to know Blizzard has terrible resource management. Things like player customizations always get side lined in favor of some new system or Raid/Dungeon.


So are we to deduce from this that Humans, Elves, Tauren, Trolls, Orcs are not… nature?

Dwarf Druids!


Basically this; To open up the Druid forms to all the extent races you’d need to make:

  • Travel form
  • cat form
  • Bear form
  • Moonkin form

For a total of 17 races which translates to 68 new models; That’s like two seasonal updates worth of models.

Dwarf Druid Form ideas:

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nothing is more nature than a metal bear

time for mechagnome droods


You could always go in batches, or again make race-agnostic models first like Blizzard did for Moonkin then add race-specific ones later.

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I suspect they are doing what they did with moonkin and building a generic cat and bear form, which is a bit involved with the expansion coming so soon.

The question is: Where are shamans and paladins? The elements required for these are substantially less involved. My guess here is they want to release them all at once as a big “OHHH LOOK!” patch.

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Dwarf Druids have been long overdue.

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Possibly, as (aside from counting Dracthyr and Evoker) Paladin, Shaman, Druid, and Demon Hunter are the last four classes to be made universal.


As much as I would love to be a Mechagnome Druid with mechanical animal forms like some Beast Wars: Transformers, I would be fine with generic, race-agnostic forms if it meant I could at least play a Mechagnome Druid sooner.

My prediction is:

  • Thrall is supposed to be playing a major role in TWW. That’ll be when we get Shamans for all races.
  • Midnight has the Void being the major antagonist. That’ll be when we get Paladins for all races.
  • TLT we’ll be returning to Ulduar. Titan Keeper Freya will be how we get Druids for all races.

I hope I’m wrong, though, and we get more class restrictions lifted sooner than that.


The suggestion of just opening up visage form I think was a good one. There were rumors this was going to be the case originally. Blizzard should have gone with that instead of being weird.

Yes, it would be a pseudo way to make Evoker available to all races through Visage.

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The issue is that Blizzard can’t really do this anymore; By making rogues, Mages, death knights and warlocks available to everyone simultanesouly they’ve made it the new norm.

As such I suspect that they’re going to be the last class that we get fully unlocked because it’s a frikkin beast of a project they need to accomplish.

Putting aside how Bears are incredibly Metal, I was arguing back in BFA that the mechagnomes not having Druid as a spec was a Huge whiff; you already had a bunch of robot animals you could addapt for forms, it would have given them access to a more niche class, and it could have given players a really interesting perspective on Druidism; that the Mechagnomes in their pursuit of science/upgrades had gone so far in the opposite direction from the cenarion circle’s understanding of it that they horseshoed back to the same place.

I’d like to see dwarves and mag’har get dibs on the druid class. Then again, I won’t be playing my druid with the class tree as gross as it is now, so I’m not heavily invested in what race gets it next.

Is there a rule that says they can’t? The difference is there were no racial components to the previous classes so there wasn’t a big issue in making them universally available all at once. With these four classes, there are racial components (some much larger than others) and, at least I, would understand if these options were opened up in batches rather than all at once.