With the class tuning coming tomorrow…
Do you think the 5% blanket healing buff will at all help resto druids? Ofc, we won’t be meta… but do you think at least a relevant pick for M+? This will now be a total of 9% healing buff, combined with the last tuning prior to tomorrow.
How do all of you Holy Paladins feel about tomorrow? Obviously, there is a healing nerf, but some pretty huge buffs to that hero spec no one uses… wondering if it could bring that talent tree into the fold in keys?? (lightsmith)
the 5% is laughably out of touch.
I am literally being told I’m not getting invites to 7s because I’m a druid.
I have all 8s complete, a few 2 chest.
Imagine being a dev right now and telling people this is how you pay your bills. What a joke.
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its uber unfortunate for sure… it’s crazy lame how clearly underpowered the spec is… its like they’re telling everyone if they want to be a healer play a resto sham.
sadly because of how damage comes in vs how slowly hots heal resto druid isn’t going to be a good pick until they get another 10-15% buff imo.
and for holy pally its really just weird that they keep getting nerfed, idk what blizzard dev team is thinking.
Yeah definitely will be inviting more Resto Druids mostly purely cause the ones that do apply to our +10 know what they’re doing.
Pretty good, actually.
Just ran some M0 for the first time this season and it was a little rough, but I think it was on the group not being very familiar with the mechanics. I certainly could use more practice.
They reverted it. 
I use it; probably why I’m feeling good about tomorrow. 
It doesn’t hurt, though I don’t think we need the buff. In before Restoration Druids that don’t know the meaning of the term “ramp” in this context quote reply me to yell at me for how wrong I apparently am…
Also I don’t think the 40% buff to cenarion ward is going to tickly my fancy either.
Sure I’ll entertain arguments that cenarion ward is strong.
The fact remains however that 95% of the dungeon is in combat non stop action and a 30 second cooldown heal over time, it aint it son.
Because of druid’s diverse design, you will always have one extremely good spec. Paladin, on the other hand, any nerf to the core abilities for one spec affects them all.
Druid is a better overall pick due to stability, if you are willing to play a spec besides restoration.
The pally nerfs are being reverted.
i think CW is mainly for pvp right?
&& ya I largley feel the same way you do
CW is recommended for M+ as well. The 40% buff might actually make a difference for things like the last boss of Siege. It’s not going to solve the main design issues that exist with resto, but it’s better than nothing, I suppose.
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