Druid or hunter?

Like title …

Which is going to have the better quality leveling to 60 and having things to do at 60.?
Druid I would probably heal dungeons, and quest as a hybrid spec with talent points in every tree.
Hunter is a hunter.

I’m looking for long term quality of life… I’ve decided I can’t take the grind on my warrior and need to move to one of my 2 alts.
My goal is to raid, pvp and farm… which any class can do… but I don’t want to hate life on the road to 60 like my warrior is.

Unless someone can convince me that warriors get THAT much better after 40… I need help on this

Had to re post as there is an error on previous.

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Warrior gets much better after 40 and holds a lot of value at 60.
Druid is at best useful if played right. Remember you can’t rez so any 5 man will need to take a pally or priest just so you can heal.
Hunter is fine but for most people get pretty boring at 60.

Start both and eventually you’ll play one more often because it’s more fun to you. This is a question purely of personal preference.

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hunter is better imo at leveling but good luck finding a raid spot compared to a druid which you’d be forced to heal from what i hear.

Warriors are good in general. pvp, pve, tanking, dps. hardest part outside of leveling to 40 is getting a raid spot due to many people rolling warriors as well. it’s just like mages tbh they are good but so many people rolled um and only X amount of raid spots is hell.

Warrior is that much better, but also a dime a dozen, but so are hunters. I think on my server hunters 3rd most played class behind mage and war. It does matter if you are trying to get a guild or pug raid, you will likely be passed up due to 5-6 other wars or hunters

Hunters 60 dps rotation is boring, not quite lock/mage boring tho. They have a few pulls they get delegated, and they can Tranq shot a boss sometimes. Very little responsibility and meh dps. At least in some spots in Ubrs u can use freeze to cc, you really don’t have to anywhere else bc the dungeons are so easy

I’d say go Druid, at least u have a better shot at getting in a raiding guild or pug bc they won’t already have 10 other druids

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Warriors are great (with a party, or at least a healer).

I think the only time Hunter would be boring would maybe be on raid bosses, but my hunter is only level 30, so that’s pretty subjective.

I’ve rerolled on a different server and chose to go with Druid. I would go Warrior, but I suspect that paid transfers will happen at some point, and I’ll transfer my warrior (and probably hunter) then.

I really love Warriors, but I wouldn’t say the get that much better after 40, though maybe they do. I don’t know what will do it for others. Hunters are super fun for soloing content, I think.

Druids offer a nice balance between having good utility for soloing, and being able to tank or heal, though I think you’ll have a hard time being able to just DPS and not worry much about what’s going on, if you like doing that, as a druid.

Tough call… I’d say, given the criteria, the choices are, in order: Hunter, Druid, Warrior.

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Your order for quality of life is hunter over Druid ?

I agree, warriors are super over played… kinda feels like a dime a dozen and with the gruesome grind, not worth it.

What classes are considered not played often and a shoe in for raids?

By far Druid. For dps I would say warlock. Shaman are also dwindling it seems. Lotta mages, wars, hunters, priests, it feels like they are in the max tier when it comes to population, at least on my server

Based on the criteria:

And sure, that’s subjective. One of the things about a hunter is you will be able to sort of zone out and DPS. You can also do this on a warrior, though as melee it requires slightly more attention. The closest you’ll have to that as a druid will be DPSing in an offtank spec, in a raid setting.

How much not having to pay attention adds to quality of life is certainly quite subjective. I’ve rated it high. Druids are likely not going to see much action as a DPS for much content, so that factored into that rating (as I think it should… a lot).

Uninstall World of Warcraft then, honestly.


Why on earth are warlock’s dwindling as dps? I thought locks were a primo dps pick in vanilla?

So Druid dps is not a good idea? Haha… if there are too many hunters that even as a hunter I will be over looked… does that mean a Druid dps has a spot ? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I don’t find powershifting as a Druid for dps … but prob won’t be allowed haha

So I’ve got one guy saying hunter quality of life > Druid and the other saying a hunter won’t get a spot lol

My guild cleared MC through Rag with 30 people last week and we’re not even particularly good. You’ll find a raid spot easily as a hunter. On the other hand, if you’re not healing or tanking as a druid, you’d have to be quite the god gamer to find a guild that takes you as kitty or moonkin dps.


If I heal as a Druid I will be playing balance outside. If I’m feral I’d be ok with tanking occasionally, but I wouldn’t mind powershift dpsing after level 40

So would you say hunter wins in quality of life?

Hunter wins quality of life easily over every other class while leveling and farming. There’s an argument that mages are better farmers but those 2 are well ahead of the rest.

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While more players main hunter than druid, they both arguably get the same amount of raid spots.

All classes and even specs can have quality of life. It all depends what your quality of life may be.

Hunters are fantastic solo but can become obsolete in group content.

Druids are extremely versatile and can find any group they please.

It’s all anecdotal, but I’ve been in pug ony raids as the 6th hunter when the raid leader is asking “does anyone know a Druid to invite? Gonna feel bad if no one here to take their T2 helm”…

I’ve also been bumped off PuG Mc sign up sheets because 6 or 7 hunters signs up at which point I don’t even mind not wasting 3 hours on sub-20% chances on all gear rolls…

Yeah, obviously a pug run is gonna be less restrictive than a guild who has planned out their raid team in advance.

There are far more hunter players than druids, like I had said.

Hunter because you aren’t forced to play healer… unless you’re in to that sort of thing but druid healers are very ridiculed by tanks before raiding obviously because of Rez

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This. Do you want those awkward moments of “hey can you heal?..”