Druid Normal Rez

Although I agree, there are blatantly obvious situations in which abilities are core requirements for the game to function and not flavor. All tanks should have taunt. All healers should have rez.

Please note, I am not asking for Blizzard to implement this in TBC. I am a no changes guy. My comment are more of an overall discussion of game design and druid rez would not be on my list of homogenization attempts that ruined the game.

There must be a forum bug, it says you’re race is Night Elf when it is clearly Troll.
Blizzard will either make a change or they won’t, no need for so many toxic posts like this. Do you all not know that Alliance begged for Seal of the Martyr(Seal of Blood) all over the forums right? Seal of the Martyr was added in 3.2.0. Revive was added to bring Druid healers in line with every other healer, but not until wotlk pre-patch. Why is this such an issue?

You’re right it’s not a big deal. That’s why I feel justified in demanding stealth for my shaman. It is unfair that only rogues and druids can have stealth. Why can’t my ghost wolf have stealth like a Druid?

Edit: while I’m at it. Why do druids only get flight form? Totally unfair! I want my shaman to have flight form!

So bring a shadow priest, shammy or paladin with you? Maybe try not letting anyone die more than once every 30 mins.


Then all Healers should have a B-Rez as well which has been suggested in Retail since B-Rez is so important for M+ success.

I would say the biggest difference is that I have never seen anyone turn down a dungeon healer because they didn’t have a brez, but I have seen druids turned down over and over again because its too much of a pain in teh butt if someone dies.

I’ve never seen a druid turned down as healer because of battle rez. It’s really not that big a deal.

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Take it up with the retail forums. Shamans still get Reincarnate, Warlocks can B-rez (not a healer), DKs can Brez(also not a healer), paladins can still lay on hands, priests can still go spirit healer mode(with added functionality) and we have a 5th class that can roll heal spec which also has a baseline rez, which also still gets its rez as DPS and tank specs.

Another “it never happens to me, so it must not be true” post. You’ve never seen it? Really?

nope. we usually have some dps pally/shaman in the group anyway. and even if not, doing a corpse run on a wipe is rarely a problem.

And a Druid can mitigate the run by B-Rezzing another rezzer when you know a wipe is coming


or mitigated by a shaman healer with reincarnate, and not requiring a second member to be a designated rezzer. Even a dps shaman can do this.

LOL again with the Shaman.

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Simply put, we coped then, we can cope again. Soul-stone a priest, battle rez during a wipe etc.

all the small changes add up and will eventually turn this game into retail. retail didn’t happen from one or two massive changes. it was “death by a thousand cuts”, as they say.

besides, I want to relive my glory vanilla/tbc days. and in those days, druids had battle rez, not normal rez. it has its advantages and disadvantages. you deal with it. and no, the boosts and store-bought mount don’t bother me like giving druids a whole new skill would.


Actually the person who originally started the guild I first raided in mained a druid, and mostly tried to play Feral DPS (and was actually really good at it — and also really good at tanking, but that wasn’t what he was trying to do, and would try to avoid it if/when at all possible).

Is using ankhs, paying to repair gear, (and depending on the points spent,) rezzing with no health or mana and spending cds to get back mana mid fight to try and keep healing the group.

Is that like saying “git gud”?


Druid Rebirth uses a reagent as well. Shamans can reincarnate after a wipe and rez everyone, saving time, and we all know time is money, friend.

Not going to lie. I’d love for my (retail) bear to be able to dual wield shields instead of a weapon… and have them shown in bear form like shoulder plates.

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