Druid needs a new Class Designer

Yeah Druid is over cooked. Guardian tree has been trash all xpac, and excluding the brief moment in S2 when it was meta (by hardly any merit of its own), it has felt so patchworked together. Don’t even want to talk about the horrendously trash class tree that they simply refuse to split up.

Berserk is still a 5 talent node investment btw hahahahahahahahahahahaha.

As far as I know, they dont actually have a druid dev dedicated to the class. The last one left years ago.

And weren’t there celebrations when this happened? People hated them IIRC.

Class tree is a mess, spec tree is a mess, rotation is boring. Not a fan of balance. Somehow mages heal more than me in arena than i do with heart of the wild wtf.

One shield is 500k shielding while my heal, heals for nothing and is not instant and takes 6-7 casts to get up 500k. Mages can shield Twice instantly if they want.

Game balance is trash, druid is suppose to be the high utility spec and since MOP we have only lost utility.


I would love to see you reason for this.

Tell me what you enjoy about the balance druid rotation in War within, compared to say legion or another expansion which people say it was generally good?

Balance has no interesting procs, it has a huge ramp up time needing to get into eclipse and apply the 2 dots, no interesting procs while you spam the same key over and over again in eclipse and then dump starsurges then repeat. How is that interesting compared to any other caster, the rotation and design is as flat and dull as roadkill.

The rework did not solve any of the issues with ramp up time and dull eclipse rotation, its very much still there. On top of that fact that one hero talent forces you to play one talent force of nature which is just bad design.


You should start playing around with natures Grace and Umbral Embrace, also what do you actually want boomkin to be because legion was flat our not very fun as a boomy that i actually rerolled for the first time ever to warlock and BFA was skill-less as hell that it felt like you could pick it up almost instantly.

It takes 2 casts to get the strongest cleave ability in the game and if you have ca it takes even less time, you don’t need to dot until you actually think the mob will survive for awhile. Whether your doing a +2 or a +14 star fire is the strongest single gcd in the game if you play correctly.

I dont do Mplus anymore i mostly just PVP i have played balance since cata.

I enjoyed legion from memory because of moving while casting with starfall was quite fun. Full Moon being baseline and doing huge crits spiced up the normal boring eclipse rotation of spamming one button then pressing starsurge. Its far better than war within.

The rotation/rework is so dull, every single balance content creator does not like it from the PVP content creator glads from supertease to all the mplus\raiding balance druids. So you are in the minority.

How can you look at balance druids rework and say it was a good rework when you compare it to lock or mage.

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My friend in arena against 2 melee you can halve their hp on the beta every 15seconds with large star fires that are extremely hard to stop because they are so frequent. Your star fire is basically full moon on a 15 second cooldown.

Supatease litterally quit playing boomy in legion because it sucked so much, he played resto for several seasons and then played guardian, he hates stuff until he realizes its good he has done almost 0 testing on the beta, nor does he raid or mplus. All he wants to do is press star fall and dot, which is also what i want to do but that is straight never going to happen.

I just feel like the class\spec tree is not that great, tuning wise the damage might be great on beta but it kinda means nothing until it releases because i remember some really stupid OP Stuff in historic betas that never went through so i will hold out on it.

But ideally i miss boomkin being a boomkin and not a dotkin,

I also think they dropped the ball on not improving ramp time enough and adding in some kind of fun proc even if its not super impressive to the rotation.

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I feel like extremely huge star fires are very BOOM and far less DOT based, you just need to figure it out first.

Well time will tell, i have a feeling like that will get gutted before it launches.

If it does get gutted though they need to completely rebalance our damage by bringing our builders down and our spenders back up and we basically just have DF boomy again except fury of elune pumps far more with a heap of cool aoe procs from elunes chosen.

Atm we basically have almost the worst ST so if they nerfed our cleave strength as well you basically have the only class ever in the last 4 expacs to be 20-25% less damage in a full st spec then every other spec in the game as one of the most played specs.

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The other thing that is frustrating is they moved bash\roar to the worst place in the class tree imaginable (its not like we have too much utility compared to other specs that have multiple aoe CC\stuns).

I also think they really need to move the hero talent that makes regrowth free after x amount of starsurges to the spec\class tree. The healing non hybrid specs can do just passively or in one global compared to balance is out of line.

Just really trash rework, nothing interesting doesnt pull it into line. Sure they made starfire do lots of damage but its all its got.

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i don’t have much experience but i’ll do it :raised_back_of_hand:

The way to fix this is just adding some lines from the middle to the outer sides and swapping innervate and Forest Walk.

http s://gyazo. com/35bd95928c21fccaeaf805a9051aac06

Buffing regrowth would probably solve this but we also still have cyclone and it is gaining 5 yards in TWW making it even stronger then the strongest CC in the game.

This is quite a inticate system when you factor in everything you need to get these star fires though, they arnt spam able and come out every 15 seconds where you need to make sure your not missing them, you need to know whats happening to make sure they hit a cleave or you have them up for cleave while actually making sure you have the m from the procs in the first place.

The fact they made feral so dependent on stealth openers yet continue to let it be uncovered by every spread AoE in the game shows how terrible the class designer is.

Either make it harder to break our stealth as feral in pvp or completely get rid of our stealth and build the class from there. It’s honestly a useless ability in group fights. No way a competent designer would let something this bad go on this long unless he does not play the class in group pvp. That is the only explanation.

Oh, and how about reducing the recast timer on stealth from 6 seconds to something like 3 seconds? Rogues can do it why not us? Why do we need to wait a whole 6 seconds?

On top of all this, I just had an elemental shaman hit me with an insta flame shock that lasted 40 seconds. So now I can’t stealth for 40 seconds. Maybe it’s time to not have DoTs stop us from stealthing? We should still be able to stealth with the DoTs doing their damage.

the same designers who control druid, control priest too.

Thats if we have any left since in previous expansions, they all quit.

Blizzard is treating our classes like poop

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Balance plays like absolute trash.

There is no feedback, the gameplay of the rotation is bland.

Reduced astral power gen, no pulsar, incarn 3 min 20 sec duration, base cd still 3 min, but 15 seconds, choice node with a talent that gives you back DF incarnation lol, and orbit/sunder on a choice node, just garbage.

This spec is awful.

And feral has way higher downtime than tww, so…

Tww druid is basically a downgraded version of DF. Screw this class, i would have liked to play balance, but they ruined it so.

For anyone who actually likes this garbage though, when they have so many other options… Enjoy i guess, it’s all yours.


The last major guardian change was them deleting mark of ursol in legion. Which was the second spender for our rage mechanic.

Every iteration ever since has been some patchwork version of legion bear. With some random utility thrown in that is difficult/dangerous to use, because they refuse to take frenzied off the gcd.

Of all specs, I am fairly confident that guardian is easily the most neglected. When they posted about TWW druid changes, they mention 4 druid specs, but only bothered to give sections for the other 3 specs.