Druid needs a new Class Designer

Whoever is designing Druid right now has obviously never played this class. All 4 specs are fundamentally broken and Hero Talents wont solve this problem. We need to replace our current class designer with someone who plays this class and wants it to succeed. It feels like the current class designer is trying to burn this class to the ground on purpose.

Druid has been in a bad place all expansion in Dragonflight. Every spec was garbage and had almost no survivability. If this continues into TWW people are going to quit and you will only have yourself to blame for it Blizz.


The last dev that worked on druid left for Riot…i expressed my worries back then - because this is a class that requires someone that plays it often, at a reasonable level across all specs.

One unique thing about Druid players is that we usually stick with this class forever - so lots of us have plenty of experience and understand what the class really needs. So it’s heartbreaking when valuable ideas and feedback provided from passionate druids seems to get tossed into the trash and forgotten.

I think the most obvious piece of evidence for this would be our class tree. Players across ALL skill levels have been providing feedback on this area with no real improvements or innovation…I’ve played around with the beta builds and I feel like the entire class is just a complete mess…

I specialize in restoration, and I can tell you right now, there isn’t a resto player on that team…lots of the changes are not improvements, and the class at the moment is a big downgrade from what we got in late SL/early DF. It’s also glaringly obvious that nobody plays restoration, because every time there’s a new beta build with class changes - Resto IS NOT BEING TOUCHED, despite being one of the specs that has been suffering across the board.

I also think the talent trees don’t even hit the class fantasy of Druid very well either…did the person that designed KotG even play warcraft 3? come on now…

Ofc we may be talking into the wind here though…If only the denizens of Azeroth would listen to the Druids, I think it would be a much nicer place. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


They took away all of the skill-based mechanics of Balance druid. Its the blandest this spec has been since vanilla. It just feels so awful now. Ive played druid for nearly 20 years now and this is a spit int the face to our community to have released us in the state that we are in right now. I quit at the start of DF because of this same issue and I didnt return to the game until the last tier. Now im regretting I ever came back in the first place. The class and spec I love is dead. We need a rollback to Shadowlands (Season 1), BFA, or Legion version of Balance Druid. Hell the whole class would do better in any of those eras. The person designing us is salty they hate druid its so obvious they want to kill this entire class or they are just blatantly incompetent and should be demoted.


They increased the skill quite considerably, i know people don’t enjoy just staying in 1 eclipse but the difference between not playing around passives and playing around passives is about 40-50% dps, your skill has never been more tested in any other expansion bar cata and that was due to snapshotting.

Did you just tell a world first raider for 3 tiers and 22 CE player with the number of 100s in the double digits that they have no room to talk?

Tell me this what is your highest starfire crit on beta right now you can even use max crafted gear if you want and i can instantly tell if your struggling or not.

Here we go … a forum troll. They increased the skill ? We have nothing to play around. Our builders hit almost as hard as our spenders. Here is my main I’m the OP.

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I think you are missing the point, they took away moonkin form for restos and now that action will not work for wild charge (used to jump you back in moonkin form) and we can’t use flap anymore to decrease falling damage. It makes no sense to keep bear/kitty form; give us balance spells with no moonkin form to swap to.


Ugh … starfire crits are for AOE content why is this even being brought up lmao. That guardian of elune talent in the hero tree is dead except for in Mythic + but if it were to become our single target choice we are now reduced to being a 5 button spec … so its even worst ? lol

Xotic was talking about specifically balance.

Any place that requires any cleave at all makes elune the strongest spec and the problem you have atm is that single target is tuned fairly low. Our stacked cleave is the highest in the game and our spread aoe is amazing due to starfall.

Also talking about 5 buttons specs the entire balance spec has been 5 buttons for almost its entire like and the difficulty usually comes from things like eclipse or passive buffs/deffs that you need to play around.

I was talking about the resto druid spec. I really dislike not being able to HOTW and moonkin or kitty damage. With no moonkin form we lost the ability to jump back (in pvp) and they give us balance spells that can only be cast in no form or tree form.

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Starsurge procs your HOTW talent currently for resto, i really loved moonkin form too but it seems it just wont be coming back, however wild stalker is super strong esp with the hotw talent and a lot of fun. They also baked the extra damage from moonkin form into your base spells which allows you to do the same damage and spamming wrath without the gcd gives a lot of mana back really quickly.

The problems are def we lost Flap and rebound wild charge which sucks but I found i didnt really use the rebound charge much because the non form charge is basically the same thing. The other problem i have is Cat form triggers HOTW cd just by going into it instead of a damaging spell procing is so you can def waste the hotw when dashing.

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I am almost certain they only have a couple of class devs working on them all right now. I’m getting really tired of half the classes in the game not feeling fun to play or receiving needed changes until half way through an expansions life cycle.

Some specs have no hero talent animations to match the theme or compare with other specs/classes with visually nice new animations. Some classes like rogue and DH go unchanged or with minor tuning buffs.

With faster expansion release cadence, I don’t think Blizzard can keep up what they promise to deliver.


We need the people who are in the top 10% of their specs for both PVE/PVP to be in the Developer’s ears. I’m not sure why they’d take away everything from Feral when it was already struggling to be as viable as the other specs in it’s tier (PVP). I’m sick to my stomach from all of this…

I wish there was like a PLATINUM forum, specifically for the cream of the crop feedback. HELL they could monitize it…


to expand on that, i think the designer(s) needs to be able to play around that level for the class they’re working on too…

however, whispers in the forest suggest that the team apparently ignores the very high end of Archdruids too…

we could be doomed for a few years friend :broken_heart:


Thank you. You are a light in my darkness.


Whats wrong with being a 5 button spec? Thats honestly preferable. Balance is currently an 11 button spec. I’d take 5 buttons any day.


Yea, that flight form change is really ruining it for me.

There needs to be an option to TURN IT OFF completely for standard oldschool druid flight form. I do not want any toggle for it. I can toggle other mounts.

My toolbar gets filled with all the dragon riding skills rather than my travel form abilities. It’s an added layer of frustration. And not being able to cancel my dragon flying while in the air to use my regular druid flight form was the most idiotic design decision. Were people exploiting something? Because other than that, there is no reason to take away something fun. And not only did they take away something fun, they made it cumbersome and annoying to use…

And each time I leave a pvp instance, I’m automatically placed in dragon riding mode.


I don’t think this is the right perspective. The cadence is still the same. Only they chopped off major patches and pushed them into the next expansion. So your paying for 2 or 3 expansions a year that normally would have been a big free patch or two. So the cadence didn’t change, just their greed :slight_smile:

So now we are paying $15 a month on top of another $100 or so for the expansions a year. Is the game really worth that price in its current form?

You’re not wrong at all. Many times I think about unsubbing but I’ve invested so much time and have a circle of friends who all play so socially it is still fun but just so much of what is developed is lacking or feels incomplete.

Maybe with 3 extra months they could do better. The beta and expansion release all feel rushed. It’ll be half way through the expansion when a class dev gets around to the rest of the suffering/hardly unchanged classes to tweak trees and hero talents. SLs and DF are the best indicator of the future in that regard.

I think every resto and Balance druid can agree. It is not a matter of being powerfull or not.

TWW druid could be the most OP class WoW ever had and, I’m not sure I would play one. Both caster spec are just not fun anymore.