Logged in to 8.2.5, switched to bear form, and I have the generic Bear form, instead of the Legion Artifact appearance, currently xmogged to my weapon.
I was able to re-xmog my weapon to get the appearance back, however upon relogging, I was reverted back to the original standard bear appearance.
Same here. Logged in, no pretty fuchsia kitty. Remogged, was fine. Relogged, gone again.
having similar issues, everytime I log out and log back in. My transmog sets for other specs arent saving, and im constantly having to re-do my transmogs.
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would love a fix, I like looking cool and its expensive to re-transmog.
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having the same problem. i want to see my starry blue kitty form! D:
I am also having the same issue. =(
Same exact problem here…
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Can we get a blue to acknowledge? is that asking too much on patch day? <3
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Same problem, even checked transmog to double check and appearance set to legion,pride of the ghostmother. but not showing up when shifted to cat form.
same here.having similar issues
Same here, also having sound issues with feral abilities.
Yes! I noticed that too! My sea lion form is making orca sounds and my attacks sound like I’m smashing two cinder blocks together.
Just adding to the comments. Checked horde (tauren) and alliance (night elf). Same issue as everyone else (was checking bear form).
Same issues here. Have to un-transmog and re-transmog on every log in to get form back.
Changing talents is breaking it as well
I am getting the appearance of other artifacts in specializations they should not be able to be used in.
Xal’atath in Discipline for the win.
are blizz aware of this bug? has anyone heard anything?
It’s not specific to druid forms. Xmogs in general aren’t being remembered when you change specs.
For instance, my horde priest switched from shadow to disc, and the shadow artifact appearance stayed applied to their weapon. No way they think that’s acceptable…
And other characters have to remog certain pieces any time I switch specs.
Having the same issue as well.