Druid form appearances

Hello, I’ve been trying wondering what other form appearances the community would like to see. I’ve done some thinking and so far I’m surprised we haven’t gotten other basic cat forms such as a snow leopard or tiger. What would everyone like to see implemented into the game?

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elephant tank

giraffe as travel form can carry 8 people

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Spider themed feral would be kool. Would love to have a wer-shark tank form.

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Gorilla tank… just use the werebear form.

I want Fandril’s armored fire cat form as a choice along side the non armored fire cat form we already have.

I would like some other colorful cat forms added so that if you don’t want to be a sparkle cat (or don’t have the form), you can still be colorful and cheery.

I would love to see a high definition version of the original bear forms from vanila, but flavored for all the druid races. I’m talking about the bear that mouth breaths (and maybe the jaw is modified so the bear doesn’t mouth breathe forever).

I would like to see moonkin given a version of the high arrokoa for an alternative moonkin form.

More flight forms: we have ducks in the game now, duck flight form?


More Moonkin forms would be nice. Or at the very least more color options for the current main form. The Z. Troll Boomkin looks really cool, but has no color options, and same for the mount and flight form. Kul Tirans have great customization options.
But yeah, I appreciate the customization element added to moonkin, but at the very least I’d like more color options so that it could match my other shapeshifted forms.

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Would be neat if there were “cantrips” associated with different forms. Like a different “ferocious bite” animation or effect if you selected “doberman” as your feral form.

And maybe have the forms set to specs. So when I’m cat-weaving as guardian I go into one kitty form but have another set for when I switch to full on feral DPS spec.

We already have this for armor sets (my gear-set and it’s transmogs change automatically when I switch specs). Really, animal forms ARE our weapons, armor, even mounts. Would be nice if those forms were supported the way a warriors sword or mages armor was.

Now that hunters got that holiday reindeer pet i kinda want holiday themed forms.

Noble garden flower tree form, spooky bone bear for hallows end, turkey themed pilgrims bounty boomy, pink elephant brewfest travel form, plush kitty childrens week feral form.
Even if they only make sense one time of year theyd be the druid equivalent of the holiday transmogs we dont see since were shapeshifted all year.

This is what I prefer. I still choose the basic black and purple cat form from Nelf. I have so many to choose from, but I prefer the basic cats for feral, and we have so few of those. They all have huge armor pieces or are on fire or are made out of wood or stone…and all I want is to choose something that looks like a well-rendered large cat.

For Balance, I would like to see forms that are NOT fat waddling owls. Better and more diverse options for Glyph of Stars, for example (different colors/better star animation). Spriggans / Forest Spirit forms of some kind. I do not like and will not ever use a waddling chicken form.


I like the Legion base model (the one available to everyone for getting/starting the artifact weapon).

The armor plating and armored claws chefs kiss


I really hope we get new skins for feral/bear/mookin/etc this expansion. It would be nice to see a pattern of druids getting a few new skins every expansion as a normal thing, not an exception.


eleventythousandmillion This’s

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Just gimme Astral armor kind of akin to what Incarn used to look like so i cam have Armored Kitty, Armored Chicken, Armored Bear

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I’d love a serpent form, as a callback to the old Druids of the Fang.

In theory, that could be a Feral form, if you’d excuse certain things like “Swipe” - a snake doesn’t have means to swipe anything, do they? But actions like Shredding, Raking, Biting, Ripping can all be done with a mouthful of fangs.


They could expand on the glitter legion kitty forms perhaps a lime green one or orange one, give us some new flight form looks I still wish we had Fandral Staghelms druid of the flame fire hawk form. Also why not add more balance druid forms say that of Malfurion Stormrage with the claw feet wings on the arms and antlers on head so many possibilities.

i wish Blizz makes the customization like the new moonkin form.
example choose ghost body(mage tower skin) + armor from primal stalker(the armor with feathers) + the red fur color from nightmare skin(pvp level)

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Actual wolf looking form for Worgen druids. The worgen curse originated from a mutation of the druid Pack Form wich turned them into feral wolves, when they tried to use the Scythe of Elune to heal them it instead mutated into the worgen curse.

Considering Worgen characters learn to tame the inner wolf as part of their initial questline in Gilneas it should be safe to asume that they could very easily be able to now use the Pack Form appearance without going feral.

Even Kul Tirans somehow learned to turn into wolves (the cat form model is literally called “wicker wolf”) so i don’t see why worgens couldn’t.

Either that or let us use any race base forms on any race so i can give my worgen the wicker wolf appearance for his cat form xD

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I personally would love to be able to use any beast i want. Just have an item like they did for sommer owls, a mark. Have a mark of Feral and Mark of Guardian. Target an animal you want with said mark and it copies their appearance.

I personally would love a snow leapord or tiger. Troll druids kind of fulfill the “tiger” fantasy, but their form colors are a bit…rediculous, to be honest.

They look like colors you would see on Skittles (taste the rainbow)

Zullian Tiger form ftw.