Druid form appearances

I would absolutely love that stone werebear thing that the Primalists could turn into in DF. I’d also love to have the other colors of the Runebear

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Add forms to the trading post.



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Can you imagine that shape with red glow bleeding through the cracks and dark red hue that suggests lava and fire breaking through the earth? Should have droped off of Fyrakk but would be awesome to see in the goblin arena.

big shark swim form

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Add forms to M+ and LFR/Normal/Heroic raid.

Maybe you get a new base cat/bear form at 500 io, then another version of that bear/cat form at 1000io with armor, at 1500, maybe a new flight form and at 2000 io, a new tint or form for boomkin.

If you don’t do M+, maybe you can get that same bear/cat form from normal and heroic raid bosses.


I want a white/snowy recolor.

Alternatively, yellow/sunny color would be cool too.


Could just unlock new armor or tint with the same mechanic used for dragon moiunt customization. They need something, tier sets and other transmog are great to enhance your mage or warrior. But I’m a Druid—people don’t see my transmog, they see my animal forms.


I know this is more about forms available to everyone? But still gonna stand on my barstool about Pandaren Druids/Forms. Black Ox Guardian, White Tiger Feral, Red Crane Balance (probably a skin of the Zanda Moonkin), and Jade Serpent Restoration. Running Crane for Ground, a Serpent for Flight. The August Celestials are Wild Gods, just like the ones Druids already follow, and crossfaction so no need to add workload of a counterbalancing Druid race.