Druid flight form? Something is wrong

Hello , I been flying around in flight form wondering why the glitters and lit up crown are gone from the flight form as i remember ??? Back in legion i did the whole thing to unlock this forms. I hope this is fixed as it is the one thing that i fly for and have 15 druids just to have the glitter? What happened?? Please


Not quite sure what you mean by glitter and lit up crown. Do you have an image?


I can Google it i am not sure. They always had glitter kinda flowing on the wing tips for sure the wings.

Are you talking about the Lunarwing form? If so, I dont recall ever having glitter of any sort of that form.


Ya lunarwing. Used to always have some sort of glitter on the wing tips :frowning: idk
Thank you for responding


Its ok. In case Id been confused, I did an image search on Google, couldnt see any versions of the Lunarwing that had glittery stuff on them. Unless it was some old Glyph?

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Naw, I know what they are talking about. The wings used to have a very subtle glimmer effect when they flapped. Like they were shedding small amounts of glitter. The moon between their horns used to be a little more lit up, too. The moon sigil is dimmer now, and the glitter is gone.

As to whether this was removed on purpose or is a bug, I dunno. I didn’t noticed til it was pointed out as I almost never use my Druid, but I dusted her off when I saw this and the OP is correct.

Edit: Sorry, not a lot of videos that just show off the mount and are not explaining the entire quest, but I found one that shows off what I mean and tried to timestamp it. https://youtu.be/WVzXF8h4uEA?t=11


OK, so that was…7 years ago? I don’t remember it personally but yes OP, there was a subtle glitter and a little moon shiny between the head spikes. Clever Asterithel for finding it. :sunglasses:

It must have been changed quite a while ago or I simply didnt notice.


Yeh, no idea when it happened, but if I had to hazard a guess I would say about the same update that clipped the wings on the firebirds. Sadly I don’t really play my Druid, so it could have been anytime between now and sometime during Legion as far as it concerns my memory.

I mean, I also could not have noticed too. I didn’t actually think to go check til it was pointed out and was like “oh right, yeh, that did exist.”

Edit: Spelling and grammar.

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I had a cute, weird effect happen back in DF for a while; if I had the Glyph of Stars on my Moonkin form, and switched to another form, that form would also have the appearance of the Glyph of Stars.

So stary glowy bears, cats, etc. I sort of wished it was actually something you could get permanently.


That would be amazing. Honestly the game needs more fun glyphs like that. Things that do not really matter, but let us customise our characters and just have fun with em.

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Thank you…i know I’m not delusional. Its something I’ve always stared at while sitting or flying… and i found a clip of the glitter. Won’t let me post the link on here.
Thank you so much for your replies.


Looked like this, sadly still cant post actual images:



Is it still there in Steady Flight? Either way, it may be a conflict with spell effects from dragonriding. The priest class hall mount has a similar issue. It used to trail feathers when flying, but doesn’t anymore.


Thanks guys for the replies. The glitter is real i know for a fact i play druid every day. The thing i think i noticed is since dragon riding was introduced to flight form i think this happened where the glitter dissappear. But when i switch to regular flying, it still won’t show. . And it wasn’t a glyph. I hope blizz sees this. Lol

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I checked both versions and it’s gone on both. Still not sure whether bug or feature though.

Also, I love the star bear. Would love that as a glyph. No worries about the link. I get the lack of Trust Level 3. Can relate.

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Seriously? 15 druids???

15 druids? I thought I was nuts having 7 druids, haha.

I also remember the glitter, I haven’t been in that form in a long while to know the difference.

I have 5 druids, they are all different races.

3 Alliance 2 Horde.

Horde needs more races opened up for druid, only then I would make more.

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Ya i checked the stay fly mode and the glitter is still gone sadly. I feel better knowing it wasn’t just the druids it happened to Cuz im sad about this. Please blizz put out glitter back. And feathers back for you as well.