None of balance’s spells scale 100%. not even close
Literally STARFIRE, the subject of this thread, scales 100%…
oh you’re right. It’s the only spell that does
Starfire has a coefficient of 1.0, or 100%
However, that isn’t really the whole story, because most spells with a 100% coefficient also have talents that bring either the coefficient or the effective coefficient to ~110%, and balance doesn’t have such a talent. It also doesn’t have Ignite or anything like that and the base damage is quite low on Starfire (approx ~30% less than Fireball).
This is likely why the Eclipse+NG effect on Starfire is allowed to be so dramatic. A 1.0 coef with such a short cast time makes up for some of that over the course of a long fight.
Spells that scale 100% currently:
Mage: Arcane Missiles, Fireball, Pyroblast
Warlock: Soulfire, Curse of Doom, Drain Soul, Corruption, Agony
Priest: Shadow Word: Pain, Starshards (NE only)*
Druid: Starfire
Shaman: Nothing
Warlock and Priest dots aside, which all have low base damage values and require time to do damage, only Mage has any 100% scaling spells, one is a 5 second cast, and the other two are at least 3.5 seconds.
100% scaling abilities are rare, and you had one. You also had an additional one that was INSTANT. On a SIX SECOND cd. If you can’t see why that’s bad for the game, that’s on you.
We didn’t get buffs? We got nerfs. The bonus damage to Starfire is NOT a buff to our damage compared to what it was before they nerfed Starsurge. The only reason we where doing as good as we where in PvE was due to Starsurge.
Even after they fix the buff to Starfire, it still won’t make up for the damage we lost with Starfire. We lost 3 boys things with our Starfire. First they reduced the base damage, second they slashed the co-efficiency from spell power by more then half and 3rd they removed 30% crit chance from the Eclipse rune (it was double dipped and getting 60% crit chance). I understand 2 of those 3 changes where considering not working properly to start with but regardless that’s the only reason we where performing as good as we where.
Now we have less damage output with mana a mana intensive spell that drains us dry in less then 2 min if you don’t cast Sunfire or Moonfire at all. Which is an entire other conversation cause both our DOT’s are not worth the damage down for Global spent nor could we afford the mana even if we wanted to use them.
It’s not even all about the damage nerf but how much they dumbed down our rotation. It’s literally brain dead now. Start fight with starfire then lead into your 6 second rotation of SS, wrath, wrath then SF (or you can move the SF between the two wrath’s it doesn’t matter). Rinse and repeat. Depending on NG procs you may fit an additional wrath in there. We don’t even have to pay attention to lunar or solar stacks anymore cause we always have them and now it honestly doesn’t matter if we use the NG proc on SF or wrath’s cause in the end it basically works out the be the same DPS.
Used to we would have to line up our NG procs with the SF that we would occasionally cast and the only reason we even casted the SF was for more solar buffs cause we would run out other wise. So you had to pay close attention to your solar and lunar stacks to make sure you didn’t run out, use NG procs with SF so it would be a 1.6 cast as to not waste CD on SS cause it was number 1 priority to cast as soon as it came off cd and we had the mana to still use Sunfire for a small boost in DPS. It was actually a decent amount of stuff to track and keep up with which made it a lot more fun to play vs this stupid brain dead rotation we have now.
It’s kind of a moot point. Arcane missiles is 100% sp and instant channel with no cooldown, 100% chance to resist interruption rate, 40% chance for a target to not resist it. They also get a 40% chance for it to be free and fire faster w/ a +50% crit buff at all times.
I’m not really sure it makes sense to hate on surge’s 100% coeff in a world where that exists.
That requires ten talent points and two runes…
Kind of irrelevant no? If you play arcane you’re gonna take those.
Nice, so they are comfortably sitting in the midpack range. Thanks for confirming that.
Not really. Especially in PVE, you only need the anti-resist.
In PVP, the cast-time loss is still often ignored in favor of improved counterspell and other utility talents, and the boot crit rune is ignored altogether to get a heal, something druids have by default.
Balance druids: “Since the changes, our rotation’s messed up, our DPS is lower than previously (which opposes the developers’ stated goal in making the changes they made), we’re running OOM really fast”
WoW Forums: “So what you’re saying is you think the class is unplayable unless you can one shot everyone, got it”
Yeah, everyone knows when people say “middle” or “midpack” or “average” what they really mean is bottom 29%.
I have both admonished the idea of having a one-shot 6 second cd ability while also acknowledged that the class needs work. But Starsurge damage itself is not the solution. If you read the entire thread, you’d see that that’s what some of the druids ehre want. A one shot.
[Citation needed]
Do you have more than like a handful of examples of this? You can find someone who wants everything. Anyone reasonable knows SS isn’t getting buffed again.
Wants a free crit SF to be instant
Wants everything instant.
I haven’t even gone past ten comments and that’s three people upset their spells aren’t all instant, they want to just hit a few buttons back to back on the move and kill you before you even get to play.
An instant Starfire 12% of the time is not the same as Starsurge. It has a like 8% crit chance and not a 38% or 68% crit chance, isn’t available once every 6 seconds, and has significantly lower base damage than SS used to as well.
You went through this thread and couldn’t find a single example of what you were originally talking about so you found 3 examples of the next-best thing.
It’s probably worth noting that Instant Starfires were a really common thing post-vanilla (BC and on). For example in BC they added Owlkin Rage, which gave you a 15% chance to proc an instant Starfire whenever you were hit, and the game didn’t break in half. People are suggesting it because it’s a mechanic that it’s a known entity.
Personally I think Starfire shouldn’t be instant, but Eclipse should give it 30% additional crit so it synergizes with our other runes and talents again, and Starsurge should make your next Starfire cost less mana.
To be honest if I had my way they’d stop buffing Starfire at all aside from maybe mana cost and put some damage back into Wrath or DoTs. They need to stop overloading single spells in SoD.
Lots of other classes have many ways to get guaranteed crits and shamans can guarantee crit with a chance of instant cast and a chance to double cast the guaranteed crit.
Agreed about Starfire for sure.
My wishlist would be:
- moonkin aura provides the druid with x% base mana returned on spell crit
- moonkin form gives the moonkin itself +x% spell hit
- while in moonkin form Sunfire and Moonfire DoT each increase the damage of the other’s DoT by xx%
That would give moonkin a meaningful rotation again using DoTs too, including mana management but potentially the ability to use innervate on healers again if you crit enough while not being totally dead when OOM since eclipse crits from wrath could be used for some small mana gains to continue Starfire. It also would just get moonkin damage back to the 5-8 range, not even necessarily great, but viable. And then most importantly it would give boomkins the hit needed to actually wear gear later that isn’t just cloth and stop stealing huge drops for lock/mage and can focus on crit instead of hit.
An instant Starfire following a Starsurge sounds like a oneshot combo to me
We at least agree here.