Druid and Demon Hunter should have been Night Elf exclusive

Just a bad opinion but I honestly think these two classes should have been Night elf only classes. Would that screw the Horde out of playing it? Yes, but I like lore and world building. If I gotta take it a hit for that then so be it.

Now, let the flame wars begin!

EDIT: perhaps I should be more open minded much as I often forget. The world is not held in stasis. Times do change.

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Gameplay trumps story

10 char :expressionless:


Won’t lie, Kind of wish that weren’t the case.

I feel it requires making new perspectives on the Emerald Dream when involving other races. Gonk and Ulfar are perfect. :robot::+1:

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Just like how pally was for Alliance only and shammy was for horde only?

Theme-wise, that would make sense. But, it would be impossible for devs to balance if horde and alliance have different classes, which I believe is one of the reasons why they eventually gave up.

Alright I do gotta throw my hands in the air on that one. While I still believe that these two should be Night Elf exclusive. Blizzard has made strides to ensure other races have a foot in the door.

tauren druid makes sense to me tho
so does belf dh


What lore prevents anyone from learning Nature magic or gouging their eyes out and merging their soul with a demon’s?

There’s nothing inherently coded into the races that says they are born as ‘x’ class. They learn to be, they train to be. It is a path, not a genetic predisposition. Meaning that anyone who can dedicate the time to study and training, can learn. The only exception to this is Death Knights as they do have a bit of a prerequisite of dying. So, in conclusion, while I get the point the OP wanted to make about world building and story, there is no reason that others can’t train to follow the same path the Kaldorei did to become a Demon Hunter or Druid.


I guess what I was trying to say is both Druid and Demon Hunter have more history in Night Elf culture. Practically being the progenitors of it.


Sure, until your feelings get hurt and you ask the mods to delete your thread.

I’ll make an effort not to.

If I remember right Druidism was also very big for the Tauren, could be wrong, but it is possible to follow the path without a racial tie. And Demon Hunters are NOT important to Night Elf culture. They are an Iconic part of their history, but Night Elf Culture Rejected the Illidari. It isn’t until after Legion that they gained an uneasy acceptance.

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Well, the Zandalari do have a great excuse for Demon Hunter. :robot::sweat_drops:

and the Draenei did recruit the Man’ari which resolves most of the work. :robot::sweat_drops:

Yeah. Especially since there were belf DH’s in training in shadowmoon valley in the burning crusade. It was a part of the deal Kael made with Illidan that some be trained.

It’s so weird to me how there’s people out there who genuinely believe lore should never evolve, and races in an ever changing setting should never change themselves.

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 Guess we could include Fel Orcs in that though they kind of fail at the whole “Elven Agility” thing. Then again so do Zandalari and Draenei but hm.

The world is not static. Druids had far stricter racial restrictions in the past. In the lore more races learnt to be druids, so the restrictions lessened.

Therefore your personal point of view is literally against the lore and world building of the game. No one can fix that other than yourself through learning more about the games history.


The intro cinematic showed hunters as dwarves. Shooting a gun and having a dog being night elf reclusive is really stupid.

I said Druids and Demon Hunters. I never said Hunters.

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