Druid and Demon Hunter should have been Night Elf exclusive

I agree, elves should be exterminated.

Hearthstone does humor the idea. :mag::robot:

Demon Hunters are not an important part of the Night Elf culture, there was really only Illidan until BC and then DH were made of both sindorei and kaledorei

Yep. In fact, ā€œtaurenā€ is an anagram for ā€œnatureā€.

I guess I was trying to say Important as in they started it first. That was a language failure on my part.

You know, I was going to adjust my previous post saying that Orcs arenā€™t intelligent or nimble enough for Demon Hunter training. And here you come with that. Hm, Perhaps I need to open my mind a bit more. Limited that it is.

Illidan recruited both from the beginning.

??? I was speaking more from WC3 and pre WoW.

Warcraft 3ā€™s model was literally just Illidan. Just as the DK was just Arthas on a different horse and the Liches are all Kelā€™thazad. Illidan was the only Demon hunter until BC and the he started recruiting both types of elf.

And even when it was just Illidan, they imprisoned him for 10,000 years

If youre going back 20 years, i can see why you would think druid should be a night elf only thing.
Stillā€¦ 20 years too late to complain.

But why demon huntere? Theres always been blood elf demon hunters.
Restricting to just night elves would have made no sense even from a purist ā€œlore should never evolveā€ perspective.

Druids are somewhat important to night elven culture - although not moreso than priestesses of the moon - but demon hunters are outcasts, reviled and feared even now by mainstream elves. Thatā€™s the whole point of demon hunters!

Could have sworn there were other Night Elf Demons besides Illidan during the War of the Ancients and WC3

Mainly taking from WC3. Besides, comparing the physiology of Night Elves and Blood elves. Youā€™d think Illidan would be chiefly interested in recruiting only Night elves over the weaker looking kin. Though I suppose if Kaelā€™thas managed to force his handā€¦

I guess I should have said ā€œHave more historyā€ Perhaps I should go and edit the post.

Nope. Illidan was a mage during the WotA and in WC3, he was the only Demon Hunter. Hence why Tyrande sought him out when the invasion started getting underway.

Didnā€™t he become a Demon Hunter towards the end of WotA? Actually nevermind, clearly Iā€™m in the wrong but nothing new there.

You also canā€™t become an Evoker, youā€™re born as one.

What? Bad opinions and stupid arguments are all Iā€™m capable of.

This is also true. :thinking: Though I wonder if there could be some kind of magical infusion process down the line to explain opening the class to other races. Like mortals taking part in a ritual that infuses draconic energies into their bodyā€¦sounds like something that would only have a 50/50 survival rate though.

Areā€¦ are you ok?

Iā€™m one that agrees. These two should have stayed untouchable. Shaman was on the cutting line of both, but as the races mixed culture over the years I can see it. Canā€™t with druids or dhā€™s; they literally change forms for a particular reason. A few other things in game should have been untouched as well, but ā€¦ /sigh