Druid 1 Button Mount/Travel Forms Macro

I had a really nice 1 button mount/fly/travel/aquatic macro I was using but for some reason it didn’t work in Dalaran (wouldn’t identify that I couldn’t fly and give me my ground mount). I found a few scripts online that I combined and got to work, see below:

/script local m=GetZoneText() if (m==“Dalaran”) and (GetSubZoneText()~=“Krasus’ Landing”) then CallCompanion(“MOUNT”, 1);end
/cast [swimming] Aquatic Form; [nocombat, harm] Travel Form; [combat] Travel Form; [flyable] Flight Form; Great Gray Kodo

Replace Great Gray Kodo with your ground mount.

This macro will using aquatic form when in water, use travel (cheetah) form while in combat, fly form when you can fly, and ground mount when you can’t fly. It will also identify when you are in Dal and use your ground mount.

Figured I’d share this since it took me forever to figure this out.



This is amazing, thank you.

There’s an addon that does that as well called MountJournal if anyone is interested in that method.


Nice macro! I’m getting LUA error when using it though.


awsome stuff! owl noises
i throw in a cat form line too for when youre in a building and wanna kitty sprint on a second button
[nooutdoors] Cat Form;


This macro does nothing at all for me, standing in dalaran trying it…

The macro below works perfectly (it is not for mounts) and it works EVERYWHERE except for dalaran main center (the macro does work on krasus landing)

/cancelform [swimming,noform:2][outdoors,noform:2/4/5]
/cast [swimming,noform:2] Aquatic Form;[flyable,nocombat,noform:5]swift flight form;[outdoors,noform:2/4/5] Travel Form

I would like this modified to work in dalaran main

I normally have my travel forms on a single button and keep my riding mount on a unique button. Since most script actions are blocked for changing forms, my “hack” for Dalaran is the same as above:

# showtooltip
/run if (GetZoneText() == “Dalaran”) and (GetSubZoneText() ~= “Krasus’ Landing”) then CallCompanion(“MOUNT”, 3); end;
/use [swimming]Aquatic Form; [flyable, nocombat]Flight Form; Travel Form

If you get errors copying-and-pasting, it could be that your operating system is swapping the double quotes (") with fancy operating specific quotes. They look very similar but they break the macro. If all else fails, type the above manually.

Again, this version “usually” requires me to use my ground mount unique from my druid forms but in Dalaran, specifically, I’m injecting the above hack so my travel form button doesn’t error and does “something”.


I installed MountJournal and I do not see a way for it to use Flight Form when possible and ground mount when flight is not allowed, all with one button press. Any tips?

Dalaran (inside the walls) is flagged as a flyable zone even though you cannot fly there.
This causes the [noflyable] conditional to fail it’s check. Pretty sure this is a bug specific to classic. I don’t remember it being like this in original. Macro works correctly in the sewers which is correctly flagged as noflyable.

I use a sperate button for mounting. I would prefer to use a script to check for that zone and switch to travel, but the spell casting functions are protected and cannot be used in scripts.

My travel macro is:
/dismount [mounted]
/cast [swimming] Aquatic Form; [indoors] Dire Bear Form; [flyable,nocombat] Swift Flight Form; [] travel form;

Swimming - Aquatic
Inside - Bear
Flyable/Out of combat - Bird
Default if none of those other conditions are met (in a flyable zone in combat, in a noflyable place like a BG/arena/vanilla zone) - Travel

This is a quick-shift macro I have bound to mousewheel down because I PvP as resto and I am almost always running away from somebody :slight_smile:
I use bear indoors defensively, but you can switch it to “Cat Form” if you prefer that.


Correct, old Dalaran was noflyable to prevent flying.
In classic they did something different, but it remains “flyable” so macros that should work, don’t. Even though they work perfectly fine everywhere else.

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