Drop Transmog Armor Type Restrictions

It’s not, really. But armor type anarchy would be, and people keep using cosmetic sets as examples.

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I would be cool with restricting tier to their respective classes (not even armor type, just class) and heritage sets to their race, but I agree that everything else should be set free. There are SO MANY cosmetics you can already put on an appearance across armor types.

This is my Death Knight.







No, so much stuff ceases to matter for example, I should not be able to wear dragon armor from actual BWL, not the new one

Why would armor type be anarchy? I can already wear WoW-style armor (not onesies and the like) that’s plate-looking or cloth looking or leather-looking, etc. across all characters.

Paladin armor looks half cloth already. Priests have some sets that look like plate, as well.

Hunters used to wear leather. Paladins ran around in cloth.

I can currently wear a Kirin Tor mage outfit on a Shaman if I’d like.


I believe that any armor/weapons that are collected (regardless of type) should be available for transmog (for any character). The warband already makes it possible to share armor types.

What you goin’ on about Willis.

Same here, and I can’t figure out why all these people are against it.


A handful of cosmetic exceptions and some class sets that visually veer into other territory is not the same as “everyone can wear everything and nothing matters”.

Classes being able to wear specific armor types hearkens back to RPG roots of actually having training in that armor type. Taking that away is just another domino falling down on class identity and this game resembling an RPG instead of a soul-less lobby shooter.


ayo ur toons look sick af

No. Allowing plate armor to be transmogged to look like cloth would completely ruin the immersion I feel while surrounded by people of all armor types wearing murloc pajamas.

I wholeheartedly have to say no


Full cloth sets moggable by any class…


aWpShUnZ bAd!

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click here to translate to English

Doing your part to make the game worse, one step at a time. You people should be proud.

you already have cosmetic sets that ignore armor class, so i think it’s time. not like the games 20 years old does it really matter at this point.

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Eh… I disagree. It’s not any different to me. There’s more than a handful of cosmetic exceptions at this point and old armor that looks like it doesn’t belong to that armor type, either.

I understand that. And I get what you’re saying. But when I could look like a Stormwind guard on my Priest and Shaman… I wondered why it mattered anymore.

What if we had a questline for each armor type to learn to wear 'em?

That doesn’t look like any sort of class set. It just looks like some sort of student attire for a school…I don’t even know why you’re showing me this LOL.

I can remember a few RPGs where a character could train to use different armor types and was not restricted to just one.

Example: Warriors in Vanilla wore mail until level 40. Hunters wore leather below 40 as well.

Warriors today can still wear any type of armor, even though it may not be optimal.

They could leave the restrictions on class-specific armor sets to keep with that fantasy.

For the rest of it, the restrictions are pretty much obsolete by this time. Removing the last few for non class-specific armor is not going to be a stretch.