Kindly, if you could find a way to finally remove the arbitrary and honestly outdated armor type restriction on transmogrification, I would be incredibly grateful.
There are so many outfits that could be made using a combination of cloth, leather, mail, and plate. This would be a huge QOL improvement for roleplay, and just general enjoyment within the game.
I honestly don’t see a point in the transmog restrictions, since most armor only has a type nominally.
Warlock armor is “cloth” but more often than not it’s made of metal.
Monk armor is nominally “leather” but it’s generally made of cloth.
And then there’s the Uldir “cloth” set that contains white cloth, brown leather, gray mail and golden plate, all in a single set.
The only thing armor types do is too limit which classes can share armor with one another, but honestly I feel like it would make a lot more sense if Druids shared armor with Shamans, not with Demon Hunters.
I see no point in religiously obeying restrictions that don’t mean anything.
I would probably be fine with this so long as they preserve the uniqueness of class tier sets. Lookalikes exist and that’s fine, but they don’t exist for everything, and there are very few full tier lookalike sets in the game. They are usually short a couple of pieces.
I will say this here as well. A compromise can be made where quest/ crafted gear can be unrestricted while tier/ class sets and their lookalikes remain restricted.
Went out the window with the goofy onsies, there’s nothing left to erode… it’s Fortnite now… just waiting for the banana and clown costumes at this point
Yeah, it’s pretty dumb. We have so much “Cosmetic” gear that is clearly not appropriate for certain armour types classes (and I’m not just talking about the Mrglmrgl onesie)…
A change to this restriction feels innevitable. There are many unrestricted sets that exist now with varied armor type visuals (even excluding the more goofy sets).
I agree that there should be some middle ground though, like keeping certain class or tier sets restricted to keep the class fantasy alive (e.g. dark ranger set for hunters… raid tier sets, etc…)
I’d be fine with allowing players to transmog down one armor type (I.e. plate wearers can transmog mail). In the early days of WoW, many classes wore a lower armor type during early leveling, upgrading to their normal armor type on reaching a certain level (40 I think?).