Droman Aliothe <Spoilers>

Pretty meaningless when they’re to be begged for aid when they can regenerate indefinitely. Poor Ashamane was the only one who went in on her own.

They would have been, if they conquered Kalimdor. Particularly under Sylvanas. They just destroyed a World tree. Remember Garrosh?

Yeah, I saw only Aviana. Where were the rest of them?

I was also referring to the second Legion invasion. Sure, there are Wild Gods around… but they aren’t really fighting the Legion. Just chilling in the background while everyone else does the heavy lifting.

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Given that they stayed dead for ten-thousand years and it took another world wide catastrophe to generate the opportunity for them to return, I would consider your note of indefinite regeneration to be what is actually meaningless.

Teldrassil has no impact on the world the way destroying Nordrassil would have. There’s no indication that the Horde would have wanted to destroy Nordrassil, so despite displacing the Night Elves, no, the Horde was not a world ending threat. If Sylvanas did try to destroy the world, most of the Horde would have probably just blindly gone in without knowing that was her intention.

Because the key word you used was conquer, no destroy.

What about him? He wanted to bring prosperity to the Orcs, not have them live in a wasteland.

As we didn’t see them, any speculation in any direction would merely be headcanon.

They were involved with the Legionfall Druid quests and world quests at the Broken Shore, which was about as helpful as anyone else, given how easy defeating the Legion ended up being.


Now this is what I like to see. I don’t want more info like this to come out, because it will make me want to pick Ardenweald as my covenant and not Venthyr !!!

You don’t have two max level characters?


Not necessarily. They came back from the Emerald Dream, which means they were still hanging around there. They just needed a ritual to get them into Azeroth. They were in Ardenweald for a very short time, most likely, considering Cenarius himself took very few years to return.

Sylvanas would inevitably lead everyone to their deaths and we would lose the war against N’zoth and other future threats. Do you honestly think she would stop at the Night elves? Do you think she wouldn’t attempt to conquer Hyjal and the Wild Gods? Her plans suggest otherwise. Sylvanas is the Horde in this scenario, so you can’t separate the two, because her little plan reveal wouldn’t have happened.

Also, yes, by attacking Teldrassil in the manner they did, the Horde showed that it was against life itself. They had no qualms about destroying the wilds, so they likely wouldn’t stop at Darkshore. Hyjal was also the night elves’ homes, so why would they stop there? You can also argue that it was just Sylvanas, but it matters not in this scenario, where again, she is the Horde.

You are purposefully avoiding the projected scenarios. If Garrosh won, he would kill all the other races and likely wouldn’t stop at Ashenvale. Without the combined aid of the races and by throwing away his own forces to defeat the Alliance and EK Horde, do you honestly think the world could stand against an inevitable conflict with N’zoth or the Legion?

Perhaps, but they definitely weren’t presented at the major battle sites. One could say they were protecting Hyjal, but I would prefer to be shown that, not have to guess. Their previous accounts of involvement suggest otherwise.

Their involvement was limited to blessing the player and poofing out. Again, there are a few exceptions like Aviana and Cenarius, but that’s about it.

Interesting, this wild god says even if he still had a home to return to, he could not return, yet other wild gods like Cenarius were able to come back from the dead.

Teldrassil was purified and was a full-fledged world tree. Of course, this has a huge impact like all other world trees, whether the one in Northrend, or Teldrassil, or others of this kind that have been corrupted or lost.

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Moreover, Teldrassil wasn’t just some night elf home- it was a collective ecosystem and a symbol of nature at this point. The subjects of Aviana, Aessina, Cenarius, Ursoc and Agamaggan all dwelled there.

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I’m talking more about my main - I have a considerable number of max levels.

This is really cool. I like this a lot.

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That I imagine is because he took up the role as a Droman, and in doing so bound himself to Ardenweald as his home realm.

No 100% proof but I suspect Nature spirits in general have a choice on if/when they wish to return to their world of origin. If that world has fallen or they refuse to return they perhaps get the choice to become a spirit of Ardenweald directly, or perhaps to be assigned to a new world ‘on the books’ as it were and sent off there.

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What is a Droman? Like what does that role entail?

A Droman is a member of the Winter Queen’s Court who has been assigned care of one of the dream trees the local territory around it, and the souls that live in that territory. They are sort of like regional governors in a way.

From what research I can do, I think it might be based on the surname Dorman, which comes from Middle English - Deor (Wild Animal) + Man (Person).

OR it could be from the dutch word Dromen, which literally means “Dreamer”. Ardenweald is English/Irish/Scottish mythology based, however, so I am a bit iffy on that one.


There’s also some implication via the Winter Queen’s datamined “chat” with Bwonsamdi and Vol’jin that when a spirit is “cocooned” for rebirth, it’s not guaranteed that they’ll return as the same person or even type of being they were before, and even she’s never sure ahead of time who or what will emerge. So in the absence of Life on their homeworlds to draw them back Wild Gods whose planets are destroyed or otherwise sterilized at the time may be reborn bound to the Ardenweald.

This is really exciting! I’ve wanted for so long for us to get confirmation that wild gods exist on worlds beyond Azeroth.

Now we know for a fact that any world with sufficient life energy can produce a wild god. Guardian spirits who safeguard the nature of their worlds. And when their planet is gone they can even be assigned a new role in defending places within the afterlife.

This really fleshes out what wild gods are and why they exist. I can’t wait to get even more information going forward!


This brings up some interesting possibilities going forward with different worlds being represented.

With all three of Draenor’s trinity dead in the MU, there is a possibility we may stumble across Anzu, Rukhmar, and Sethe.

While we’ve gotten some quality time with Anzu in WoD, I would love to get a better insight into the other two, perhaps even Rukhmar finally learning of the fate that befell Anzu.

Now that I think of it, Anzu seems like the kinda wild god I would WANT to have in my court. Wise and cunning raven and all that.


We have seen “wild gods” from other planets. Anzu, Rukhmar and Seethe from Draenor for example.


This is the problem with having a “Big Good” in such a setting. They actually would be out and about handling such things instead of the PCs or Story Characters. By actually having them there you have to make them less than what they should be just so the Story Characters would be the heroes.

Consider how the 7th Novel of the Harry Potter series would have been if Dumbledore and Sirius Black hadn’t been removed.

Or how the White Walker threat would have played out in Game of Thrones if Ned Stark had never left the North and the Night King came face to face with the real Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North with his Banners united behind him and at full strength. (Let alone if King Robert had still been around to muster the rest of the 7 Kingdoms to his friend’s aid.)

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Completely forgot of them and Matt Burns made that statement in Chronicles vol 2?

Chronicles Vol 1 did say all the animal deities are bound to the dream and are just animals Freya liked and gave them godhood. Still I like the idea most of the

He made a statement on Twitter that Sethe was a Primal God.

Incidentally he never mentioned what Rukhmar and Anzu were though since they showed up at the same time and place as Sethe they are also presumably Primal Gods though not Wild Gods who are merely Eonar’s favored pets.