Droman Aliothe <Spoilers>

Ursol in Ardenweald? Very interesting, since Druids saw Ursol during Legion for the Claws of Ursoc acquisition questline.

I hope they cover the relationship between the Emerald Dream and Ardenweald more clearly when we go quest there.


I’m personally hoping to see Agamaggon (we won’t), realize he was killed in the War of the Ancients and the Quillboar who descended from him aren’t the nicest. Still think he deserves a bit of a nod other than a low level dungeon. Was Cenarius buddy, fellow wild god, fought and died defending Azeroth. We got to see Malorne, give us the big boar.


A better angle


Imagine: Druids of the Tusk (Boar forms)
Alternatively: Druids of the Thorn


Oh! Looks like maybe placeholder model then?

That is not Ursol. That is Droman Aliothe, who is another wild god using that model. From another planet, which the Legion destroyed a long time ago. He actually tells you about his world, and how it was destroyed in a rain of green fire.


Damn, the devs are really going through with that concept. :disappointed:


Unfortunately my immersion is already broken whenever they bring up the idea of the Legion clearing worlds of life. I just get flashbacks to Warlords of Draenor, where we go to a destroyed world and fight Mongrethod <Destroyer of Xandros> and we kill him as a destraction.


I personally LOVE that they are giving us so many references to other planets in the Great Beyond. Azeroth is not the only planet, there are countless we do not know about- and this is the afterlife for ALL of them.

I hope we see more nature spirits from other worlds play a decent part, not just ones from ours. We see more names from other worlds as well, chosen personally to survive alongside Ashamane. Elder Dunmira was one of them.


What’s so bad about there being other planets and then being destroyed by the Legion? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


The legion does make sense… and Illidain was handled well. I should give it another shot. :thinking:

I couldn’t help but shake the feeling we’re not exploring this concept while the Drust and Loa from Azeroth become that cosmic threat.

This is really interesting as this means the deities of the wild and life are even above than what we originally though. But most important this retcon the horriple piece of Chronicles about Wild Gods are just animals that drank titan blood and Freya took them as pet and bound their souls in her pocket dimension.

For those curious, here is his Dialog:

A LOT of NPCs have personal dialog like this in Ardenweald, it is quite lovely.


I think it’s neat we’re being exposed to a wider universe. It makes sense there’d be more gods out there than just ours.


Droman Aliothe is no different from Anzu, Sethe and Rukhmar(who have been referred to by Matt Burns as Primal Gods).

The Wild Gods are powerful Animals who have been bound to the Emerald Dream. That doesn’t mean that the Emerald Dream is a respawn point. It means they were given the same privileges as Druids(I.E. access to the Emerald Dream)!

Loa/Primal Gods are powerful Spirits of Nature who exist across the universe and include Anzu, Rukhmar, Sethe and those reborn as Loa in Ardenweald.

Remember Rezan is the son of another Devilsaur named Xibala. He like Vol’jin did not start as a Loa you know! Xibala presumably was the Wild God while Rezan is a Loa/Primal God through rebirth in Ardenweald.

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Oh look, it’s a Wild God who actually did all he could.

That’s a nice change of pace.


Well, it really depends on what all that he could do actually is. He might have gotten his paws stuck in a jar of honey for all we know.


You do know most of the Wild Gods back in the War of the Ancients died doing all they could, too, right?


No, not really, I don’t. I do know how most had to be begged to do something, though.

But even if you ignore that, they haven’t been involved much in recent events, so they have grown complacent.

Play through Mount Hyjal again sometime then. At their shrines are NPCs that detail how each of the ones that died gave their lives to save Azeroth.

And as destructive as the Horde have been to Teldrassil and Darkshore, the Horde is not actually a world ending threat. Given, Cenarius should have been a general at the Darkshore Warfront, but other Wild Gods were likely busy with the Azerite mcguffin matters, as we saw with Aviana.