Drizzt and Legolas and Elves

Why do so many people dislike elves in general?

I don’t understand… ever since I was a little boy everyone made fun of me since I really like Drizzt Do’Urden and Legolas Greenleaf.

What are you favorite elves?


Gildor Inglorion. Feanor. Galadriel. Luthien.


Elf fatigue?

Dead ones?



Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh :frowning:

He’s not really an elf in the traditional sense but Drizzt and (to a different extent) Suramar City are an homage to Elric and the Melnibonéans.


(Statement): Like what you like. If other people dislike you for it, it just demonstrates their own insecurities and lack of confidence, that they must tear others down rather than express what makes themselves happy.

Someone once told me orcs are just a type of elf… no way man… orcs are ugly as butt.

I doubt most people will even know who Do’urden is or his wife cattie brie or how the dwarven city is much like Ironforge.

Or how the war with the orc king was an amazing read.

Or the elite dwarven squad who used there armor and body as weapons raming through foes with a bladed armor.


Drow lover are we? you like a little femdom eh?


I’m not sure if people dislike Elves but I think it may be a common joke to make fun of them.

I personally love Tyrande, Buddy, and Legolas. I also love Feyre (named my character after her) and Rhysand from Sarah J. Maas’s books, and they are High Fae characters.

I think it is just a over saturation of them in wow as far as out of wow it is basically depends who. People who arent into the science fiction fantasy stuff will not like most anything lol. I been reading about drizzt for over 15 years. Just gotta keep doing and liking what you do no matter what you do people will have something to say lol


Which book is your favorite?

I like them it’s just their communities and such like high elves make me wish they got retconned into dust.

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Call it strange, but I really want a high quality execution of The Silmarillion and see these epic battles that sundered Middle Earth.

To feel the trepidation of having Ungoliant nearly kill Morgoth. To witness the Valar and their power, beauty, and hopefully really good music.

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This guy


Because those two are over-commercialized to the point of being goofy.

It’s like if you asked someone their favorite fancy food to eat on special occasions, and they said a mcdonald’s hamburger.

Next time say your favorite elves are Feanor, or Gildor Inglorian, or Eclavdra. You’ll get more respect.

Always been a fan of Maedhros. So noble, yet so flawed and tragic.

Drizzt is drow. All drow are evil and need to be burned

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There’s nothing wrong with those characters and they do have great stories.

The stigma associated with them is due to hopping into any fantasy game and discovering that every Elven Ranger/Archer/Ranged Class is named some form of đrįĬzt, or łęǥ0łǻz.

Such a beautfiul name.



This belongs here, btw.


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So many memes, so little time.