Drink Soup or Eat Soup? Blizz READ!

Guess I just had a lot of whatever bland food my grandma insisted on cooking or she’d cry

I ingest my wheaties and milk soup every day and I always drink the leftover milk straight from the bowl

I think there was a definitive answer that said cereal is in fact not a soup. It has nothing to do With the heat but with the Milk not a broth due to whatever technicality.

Also if you don’t drink the milk with your tongue like a cat you’re just wasting life chances

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They sure do - but then they try it and understand the magic. And it isn’t a “beyond meat” version- the peppers carry it

I have the taste buds of a twelve-year-old.

I will eat powdered versions of many vegetables like onions… But not the actual vegetable itself.

though technically peppers are fruits

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If all the soups you’ve had were pure liquid, you’re missing out, and I feel sorry for you… Well, no, not really. I don’t feel sorry for you, you had it coming:

I thought I did until I grew up and realised my mother overcooking everything and not using sauces was the reason I didn’t like a lot of things

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I can’t do vegetables like celery or onions that are very crunchy. I guess cooked onions aren’t crunchy but they do make a sound.


Anything in soup can be swallowed without chewing, start drinking your soup, wimps!!

I recently switched to loving onions after not for awhile. I love raw onions in a salad now

I recently tried one in a Burger and my God that’s too much. It like has juices in it… It stays on your tongue. Who lives like that

Had a roommate in college that would eat a raw onion like an apple.

It made me physically sick

How to “eat” soup if it is too watery for you:
-Get a bunch of Crackers.
-Mash up said Crackers in to soup.

Tada! Now it’s more of a solid than a liquid!

Om nom nom!

I did, too. Put some pepperjack in it, was very good.

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Onions are really good for you, cleans your blood, etc…

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When you blend it, it actually just becomes a warm smoothie. Great for thermos on cold days probably.

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I’ve always eaten soup. Chicken noodle, beef barley, minestrone, etc, are not drinks.


Soup is a food, not a drink.
You eat food, you drink drinks.

Most soups typically aren’t just liquid, try “drinking” a minestrone and you are just going to chooe yourself to an early grave.

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You eat soup because you use a utensil. (Spoon!) And usually eat it from a bowl.

But you drink Cuppa-Soup, from a cup.

You drink coffee, water, juice etc!