Dresmsurge portals not spswning all dzy

In azure span dreamsurge portals are not spawning. Its been this way all day


If you’re talking about the big Dream Surge portal, that requires a group, there’s already a fairly popular and large thread about this. Meaning, its a thread that constantly stays near the top of the bug form list and no way you would have missed it, unless you never look at what’s trending before you start a thread.

Well hun ibdecided if there are enough threads maybe they would fix it. Besides it is my right to do as i please so move on


That’s not how this works. Spamming threads is the least productive way to get things noticed. Having one constant and long thread, that constantly stays at the top as people post to it, is the preferred way. Blizzard has even stated as such. By creating many smaller threads, you split up the issue, and many of those threads are dwarfed in comparison, and eventually lost as people post other issues.

How is this not fixed nearly 24 hours later? But don’t worry we broke macros!

Do you spend your day bothering others. Dont worry about me worry about you. Have a nice day and go away


There’s already a fairly large thread about this that most people are using. Please use that thread instead, to report/comment what you’re experiencing. Dreamsurge in the Azure Span not showing

Lot of good it and the one hour maintenance did lol.

What was maintenance for i dont believe they have clarified

They never do, so we’re left to speculate. Most suggested looking at the bug fixes post for yesterday, but that was almost nothing. And we know they did the hot fix for the macro thing, but I don’t think that even required a restart, so yeah no idea. What I do know is it wasn’t for the dream surges. I hear they did spawn once after restart, but I missed those, and now they’re just broken again.

They did a blue post on brewfest but not on fixing portal issue

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disregard for players. :frowning:

Your right