Dreamseed Farm

How are people renown 25 already? I do every WQ and weekly and have farmed seeds for a few hours each day and I am renown 5


Something, something, first few days of patch exploit something, something.


if this is true, then you probably missed some of the quests around the zone, or you have tokens in your bag somewhere that you haven’t used. you should be somewhere around 7 just from using all the quest rep tokens.


I havent finished quests with storyline yet! Thank you, will finish that.

They went hard right when patch dropped and there was an exploit with seeds. Then they got hotfixed like 4 times and were at the 5 rep per seed now after the first 4 of the week give you 250 each

My Guess, (and this is just a guess) it’s probably some form of Magical computationonal powers.

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I’m over renown 7 and halfway to 8 on doing the story, a one dreamseed for the weekly, and all of the world quests that were available over the weekend. I dipped my toe into the new expansion friday after work and played through the story sat, and wrapped up yesterday.

But as to your question, there was a bug that they exploited… and as people say exploit often and early cause Blizzard didn’t remove their renown.


There was a bug/exploit that people abused to fast track to 20, its been patched out but of course now the whole controversy is why the people that used the exploit wasn’t banned. A lot of people from liquid abused the exploit, and I guarantee people from echo did as well, so people are calling for both to be banned from the WF race which is silly TBH given the rune and crest aren’t going to be enough to sway things one way or another.

What was the exploit? It if was just “hey these seeds give rep every time you do them, let’s keep farming” then I’d feel wronged if i got banned for doing an event that’s obviously intended to be repeateable judging by the 50 seeds i got while questing and killing rares.

Was there an actual explot with how the seeds worked, or was it just Blizzard giving way to much rep for them at first?

Exploit was take all tokens and anything that gives rep and go to dreamsurge exp buff in layer and wait for buff to active with 50% rep buff and smash all rep tokens to 20. :cloud_with_rain:

Remember, kids exploit early exploit often.


Based on the way the rep hotfixes went…the seeds started out only giving 20 rep each and only at blue quality, were buffed for a couple hours to give 40 rep at purple quality, and then were “buffed” again and capped.

So I don’t know what the exploit was, but I dont think it had anything to do with how much rep the seeds gave

ah, gotcha. thanks for the info. well, i’m hoping to do something similar with the anniversary event on thursday, and i logged out with plenty of time on the darkmoon buff. Hopefully that won’t be considered an ‘exploit.’ :stuck_out_tongue:

There was no “exploit” players just took advantage of the rare bags giving 20 and farmed them over and over – hence the “infinite seed farm” title to Wowhead’s article on it. Was it degenerate? Sure, you can call it that. But there was no exploit. Players were adapting to devs’ multiple attempts to address the issue in a live environment, and for a while there the rep was efficient. By the time the devs had settled on their final fix, around 7pm PST, a lot of players who were home all day / work from home and could be online, had already gained that rep.

The other part of this is some of these players started on an alt, got to renown 10 and then swapped to their mains to redo the same content with +100% rep gains from Word of a Worthy Ally + DMF buff. Powerleveling themselves, you could say while also taking advantage of that infinite seed farm. This put them well ahead, and then they burned all their tokens after they had reached 10 on their mains, propelling them further.

I did the same, minus the infinite seed farm because I was working, and I’m about 1500 rep from renown 16 on this character.

You should be more than 5 - just doing all the campaign and quests will get you over 8 renown.

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I’m not far from Renown 8 at the moment, which is actually pretty good for me. I’m not hitting up many, if any of the WQs aside from Dragonriding though.

At this point I’m convinced they do this on purpose because it happens literally every time. I was in on some of the seed farm but it ended up being super boring. I’m at renown 9.5 now so at least I got a little out of it. It’s awful though, they should have either left it alone or made it 5 rep from the beginning.

It wasn’t a “exploit” blue seeds gave 250 rep, and epic seeds were giving 500 rep. And for awhile there was no cap on how many times you get get this reward.

After the hotfix, and after you have planted 4 seeds, the rep rewards is lowered to 5 rep.

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Doing everything on a single normal character this week gets you to around renown 10.

However, at renown 10 you unlock a bonus for your other characters that increases the rep they get by 100% until they hit renown 10 themsevles.

This means you can get an alt to renown 10, then go to your main and start the campaign getting 100% bonus rep (Plus DMF boost + Human boost if human) until you get to almost renown 10, then use the big 2500 rep token, doubled into 5000 for an extra free level.

After using everything that gets you to around 18 if you do it all correctly. There were some bugs you could abuse to get further but 18 was and still is very possible through legitimate means.

It’s the first 5 not 4 just FYI