Dreamseed Farm

Yeah I need to finish campaign, got off track with wqs and seeds

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There’s a weakaura that tracks everything that can give rep in the zone and tells you what you’re missing / haven’t done yet.


Debates about people optimising the fun out of things aside, if you want to know if you missed anything that’s the best way to check.

Essentially what their doing is their exploiting a bug with the chest that allows them to open it an infinite number of times to keep rolling for the rep tokens. Supposedly this one hasn’t been patched yet so I won’t detail how to do it here as ANY exploits should never be abused.

Initially it seems like it was blizzard attached too much rep and felt like without their stupid treadmill the zone would collapse. Thus is why they hotfixed it the way they did over leaving it be. So now people are using the infinite chest exploit to grind out to 20 again.

Side note edit: Truth be told there is literally little to no reason why you should push for the infinite augment rune. The normal ones will still work and unless you are a HoF raider, you simply don’t need it as the cost edge it provides won’t match the effort put in TBH. All it seems like is people have gotten their panties in a bunch because they feel wronged that they can’t do the same thing to get the same results now. When in the end it doesn’t really matter, and you shouldn’t be spending runes in early prog as well unless your close to killing the boss.

People simply need to learn how to take a chill pill about all this nonsense honestly, and understand that it doesn’t affect anyone as much as they seem to think it does.

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you mean the ones that cost over 1k a pop unless you’re willing to do stupidly trivial “content” to farm them at a mere 1-2 each per run yourself?

they may as well not exist

you’re not wrong :slight_smile: but the expectation is we have the rune

Exploit Early, Exploit Often.

They obviously exploited, and every one of them should be perma-banned.

But they won’t be, because that’s what this community is now.

I mean I think tying the rune, or any of the infinite runes for that matter to a rep is a stupid thing to do to begin with. Yet this is blizzard and they constantly do things like this because they fear without employing as many treadmills as they possibly can the game will collapse.

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I’m in the same position, slowly trudging on…

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imagine your life revolves around rushing through everything to be 1st on the forums in 2 weeks complaining they beat a 6 month patch and there is nothing to do

Not many given that the Dream Wardens renown only goes to 20 :slight_smile:

(I’m an alt-heavy player so I’m not even doing all the “easy” min/maxing - I’ll get there when I get there)

there was an exploit to get rep faster than they should have. blizzard will also not rest the the renown of those that did the exploit because it’s not game breaking

Even though its technically going against tos and they should have their renown reset they won’t.

I didn’t do anything special and hit renoun 8. Getting to renoun five seems a bit low and you may have missed quests.

I’ve made it to renown 8 with about 1800/2500.

Did all quests, super bloom, probably 30ish seeds, all world quests(with contract) and the PvP world quest.

you have absolutely zero clue what youre talking about and typing paragraphs while wrong is crazy

until you get owned by Blizzard

I hit 11 today.

I got one of those contract thingies and doing that got me same as a renown level. I’m taking my time I ain’t worried about it.

Some people even from the RWF guilds got actioned by doing naughty exploits on stream but the one I saw was a 24 hour suspension and likely a rep rollback.

For people who did zero to no bonuses (No contracts, not grinding seeds, no renown 10 bonus, etc) would be in the 7 to 10 renown ranges based on if you killed every rare, got all the treasures, did all the quests, most of the world quests, got the 5 seed weekly done, etc.

Which is still only the very first week.

unleash the farmer class