Dreadlord Regalia Transmog Sets Now Available for $20 USD - Wowhead News
New shop transmog! What do ya’ll think?
Doesn’t look like this one has a FOMO component to it.
Dreadlord Regalia Transmog Sets Now Available for $20 USD - Wowhead News
New shop transmog! What do ya’ll think?
Doesn’t look like this one has a FOMO component to it.
Edit: Set’s not really my style. But might get for those bottoms.
I’m part of the problem swipes
I linked to the comments it looks like. I have fixed it. Thanks for letting me know.
Meh. The only thing tempting about it is the wings, because I could use them on my DH and not have them look like weird dragon wings. But I don’t know that I like them $10 a wing.
Edit: Not saying the armor looks bad. Just not really my thing. I’d only see myself using it on my DH and DH has better sets already.
Meh, I’d rather buy food or another game.
Those wings are laughable. If they’d made them the size of drakthyr or demon hunter wings it’d be amazing.
Although I actually do like the armor in general. Seems like it would have gone nicely on the trading post. Oh wait, looks like they put a collar on the chest piece. Never mind. That’s always a clipping nightmare.
I think the wings need to be bigger.
They took the Wings of Awakening and used them on this trasmog set.
The only good part on it are the leggings.
Looks like there’s gold/bronze trimmings on them but they’re an all armor/class black leggings.
Too bad it doesn’t have a line about it eventually coming to the Trading Post. Oh well, it’s not like I was ever going to use it anyways.
I think it looks awful.
But the mog from the trading post was decent so i got nice gear today and it cost me nothing.
I like it somewhat so I’ll buy it when I login later on, plus it’s 2 sets for $20 which really isn’t that much honestly.
Not my kind of thing, but I might pick it up from the Trading Post if it makes it there like the Guardian set eventually did.
Meanwhile I still want the Crimson Legion tabard or the regular Scarlet Crusade one with gold piping that’s not caked in dirt.
I wouldn’t count on these two making it to the TP. There’s no disclaimer saying it’ll be removed from the cash shop or that it will later be on the TP. I believe it’s a permanent cash shop item.
The wings are too small lol
I wish these things were earnable through gameplay.
Nearly half the price of an expansion for a clothing appearance is ridiculous.
I personally wouldn’t spend $20 on transmog but it is cool looking.
They remind me of the DF dragon wings. I don’t get it. Drakthyr are massive and have their huge wings flopping about. Heck, some of the SL back pieces are bigger. I think we could go for some more proper wing mogs.
Most stuff in game is earnable by playing the game, actually these are even earnable by playing the game if you make the gold then buy tokens and then use that to get them because you aren’t paying anything for them.
Usually it’s one for $15-$20 this time it’s 2 for $20 so it’s actually a much better buy.
Upon further inspection, I have to wonder why so many new sets have exposed thighs, even on male characters? I’m not a fan of that on almost everything new coming out.