Dreadlord Regalia Pack in the Shop

Much bigger, and different colors. Like red for my Man’ari Warlock girl.


I could not agree more.
It completely ruins sets imo


While technically true, this is not exactly in the spirit of “earned in game”

Also technically true, but only because of the arbitrary costs they assign shop items.

There is no world where development costs of an armor set come anywhere close to what it takes to make an entire expansion.

It’s not a good deal at all when you take a step back and look at the big picture.

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$20 is a lot, though i suppose its $10 for each set.

i just wish the wings were better

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It costs money. And of course it looks like garbage on a male Forsaken.

Looks great on a male Draenei.

Armor colors could have been better, but I’m assuming the colors chosen had lore considerations behind them.

dark&light Grey/Blue/White

These would have been superior visually.

Also, the set is reskinned assets from various sets, I don’t know if it’s worth $20… but people will pay, because… redacted…

EDIT: I guess you get the two sets as a bundle? That seems like a better price.

It’s not a bad set, take it or leave it, your choice. Again, male Draenei with red skin or Demon Hunters, would probably get some mileage out of this.

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I wish they were more exposed.

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Nah you’re part of the solution, everyone else can thank you for the content they get on a regular basis that your microtransactions are helping pay for.

The Illidan wings are pretty cool. I suspect these will be sold separately from the set when they finally hit the Trading Post considering they aren’t being shown off in every possible screenshot.

I bet if Alleria was wearing this, she wouldn’t be “androgynous”. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I usually get them, but I can’t think of a character I’d put this on.

No matter however many times ya’ll keep misusing it, this ain’t what it means the way ya’ll keep trying to invalidate the phrase’s meaning.

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How long I have waited for this!
Darn it Blizz take my money!! This is perfect!

Now if you could add Sire Denathrius theme to that I pay extra! Wink, wink~*

Well now my Draenei Warlock needs this.

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Meh, it’s not hubbabubba hot pink with rainbow wings.



20 bucks is insane for pixels lmao


Then don’t pay it, legit it’s not like anyone is going to force any of you people acting like a nonissue is an issue.


The wings are too small for me. I’d get it if the wings were bigger

Honestly I wonder if there is some kind of issue that they had to make the wings they’ve been putting out so small. Like I get it could just be an artistic choice, but I wonder if there wasn’t some kind of clipping or mechanical issue with making them bigger :thinking:

“I wouldn’t buy pixels for $20… that’s insane”

“Well then don’t pay it”

“I… I already am not paying it?”