I have no idea. If the abilities make that big of a difference, I can definitely see people being booted because they have a horrible covenant ability. So only time will tell.
Stop what? Trying to actually talk the subject with you?
And I also want to know what it is I deserve. Because you treat this like this was some sort of crazy “gotcha” moment. When it never was.
It doesn’t infuriate me. It just disappoints me how you’re acting when I just wanted to discuss this subject since you had a weird view on it and I wanted to understand it.
Yeah. You’re right. I know it too. Was just hoping I could actually discuss this with them though. Instead they wanted to throw the equivalent of a temper tantrum. Annoying. But what can you do?
So then this is all pure speculation then, which is why I’m confused about why everyone is all pissed about this?
The only time I pushed M+ was in Legion on Spriest, and yeah I had to build my score by playing with guildies because no PUG wanted me, but then as soon as my score was respectable I got into any group that I wanted, even though I was playing one of the worst M+ specs in the last 4 years.
I believe Covenants will be the same. You will be able to make your way to a respectable score with any Covenant to the point where your score overtakes your Covenant choice as a means for accepting/declining your sign up.
Unfortunately, there is a group of people in this community who are manipulated by the likes of Preach and Method who do not have the community’s best interest at heart but pretend they do, and the community is, for an unknown reason, largely unable to see through the deception.
We are, for instance, literally in a thread where the OP quoted Method’s concern as if this is something we as a wider community should care about. It isn’t. It is not. And yet here we are.
method is worried that they have to make the same class for different covenant… almost just seems like a Method problem and not any normal players problem really though. Make what you want and play what you want.
I notice that most people that nitpick about things to that extreme when I’m looking for a group, normally end up not even that good anyways for some reason lol.
You are probably right. Anybody can find a way to play with any combination of anything. That doesn’t mean the system shouldn’t be changed just because we can learn to live with it.
I think it’s more that some high end players did put the simming effort in and have seen the limitations and possible upcoming brokenness of some content.
And most people are lazy and just follow their lead.
I do think some of their feedback does have valid points.
I have experienced community perception on my class. Both when my class was a meta and when my class was considered garbage. So I think covenant ability concerns are valid.
This won’t manifest itself as a “I have to make 3 paladins” problem for people in Shadowlands. It will manifest itself as a “I decided to respec Holy and now my covenant spell is garbage” problem.
Agreed, but Method also has favorite corruptions and essences. I pug all the time. I’ve never once been asked which ones I’m running, even though they make up a significant portion of my damage.
There will always be only ONE way to max. One race, one class, one set of talents, one set of azerite, one set of essences, one set of corruptions, and specific secondary traits. Who cares? Unless you’re pushing world firsts just have fun. It’s a game.