Dratnos' Big Shadowlands Fear

If they’re a central core system of the expansion - I find it hard to believe that their impact won’t be substantial enough.

Ice cream? You may get sick of it though. Too much sugar.

Since you want to keep dodging I’ll just repeat myself.

Cheers mate! :clinking_glasses:

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This is good. This means they’re balanced, just for different situations (PvP, aoe, ST… etc). If they weren’t there would be a clear choice and his feelings wouldn’t be hurt.

Suck it up dude.

Repeating yourself is not a good sign. Looks like I made the right call.

I can see that, but we still don’t know. I’m not extremely confident given Blizzard’s track record the past couple years with balance, but hey, I mained a Shadow priest in all of Legion and most of BFA so I’m used to getting declined for M+ runs :laughing: Covenants will be no different if they choose to make them have huge gameplay-changing effects.

It would probably happen as often as pugs say “link aotc and corruption/essences”

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Outland is one of my favourite zone including its raid and dungeons. I always go there after azeroth to level. Outland, its vibe, music, everything is perfect. I will never get bored of it.

So i am totally fine in doing BC raids :slight_smile:


Only people who don’t pug M+ could think this is true.

What call did you make? Calling me “disturbed” because I showed you how stupid it is to say that playing exactly the way you do is the only way to have fun?

Yeah. That’s rich.

The game gets less and less fun the more you cater exclusively to the min-max types… funny thing is I wouldn’t even call them hardcore players since they seek every single advantage possible before each fight.

It would be interesting if there was an Ironman raid


Some people make choices on their morality. Others make choices on power. It is not our fault you chose to roleplay a merc.

Yep. Haul em away lads. But be careful with the ice cream intake. He’ll get a belly ache if you don’t :frowning:

Experience (raider.io) is SO much more important than which specific corruption or essence is ran it’s not even close.


That’s how people think, and that is why this game will never satisfy every type of player. “How dare you have fun the way I don’t like to have fun” is a very very strong opinion in all games, and is not exclusive to WoW.

It’s just the entitlement of a lot of players nowadays to expect the experience to cater to their fun and not someone elses fun. That’s why a game can’t satisfy everyone, ever.

Gotta love the people who can’t acknowledge when they’re wrong so they dodge it with some weird RP.

Just focus on bringing this game back to its RPG roots and call it.

Thing is, did you achieve the needed (raider io) using subpar essences or using the best performing ones?

Is playing Enhance vs Resto vs Elemental a different situation? Because right now, with the current ability designs, it is.