We don’t. We’re fine with Heroic.
If you’re clearing Mythic you’re not pugging anyway.
I run both, now I have to choose one over the other instead of having them compliment each other.
Yup. Just one more way/thing to decline people for.
Uhhh what? When a mythic raid group is missing a player or two, what do you think they do, just call it for the night? They pick up a couple of people from dungeon finder.
I’m sure all of Method’s warriors will choose Venthyr for Condemn.
This already exists for racials. The best races for PvP because of CC mitigation/removal aren’t necessarily the best races for DPS/utility in raids. Goblins weren’t the best PvP race in Legion but they were the best for the KJ Mythic fight.
This already exists. If you are a true, heart-of-hearts min-maxer, you already play multiple warriors. But you don’t, because you are not.
exactly !!!
Remember, first 6-8 weeks there are going to be LOADS of buffs and nerfs.
What looks good at launch is quite likely to change. Especially if Blizzard sees players using abilities to cheese encounters where your choice of covenants affects even low end progression.
Blizzard DOES have a habit of nerf bat / buff bot shortly after launch.
Blame the lemmings that go into streams right now asking world first players what the best class/spec will be for shadowlands. No one can answer that question because game is still in alpha.
Those people asking that question have no ability to think for themselves and just lemming/parrot their way through life what others tell them. Shun those idiots and remind them that no matter how hard they try, their limit/method guild application will not be read.
The only way they can make me not go venthyr is if they make the proc chance something super low.
Fixed for giggles because that phrase is worthy of Camus.
At this point it might help to somewhat homogenize the signature abilities even if that’d make it kind of boring., or just change the teleport because teleports are insanely powerful and should be used sparingly in the first place.
It’s too late for it now but going forward in future expansions I think it would be better just to cut borrowed power entirely and focus on stronger core class design.
I originally rolled this paladin because I liked the paladin fantasy. Not because I was excited about getting some vampire teleport or generic azerite abilities or whatever the flavour of the expansion is going to be.
Right - and the covenants will just be one additional layer of this.
That additional layer is the issue; except it’s a much thicker layer.
As others have noted - people don’t really get declined for their race, but they most likely will be declined for their covenant choice.
They do. During BoD I pugged with a mythic raiding guild regularly cause my own guild only wanted first 3. Granted we only did first 6-7 bosses cause Rhastakahn was our raid killer, but I totally pugged it with a guild that regularly had 2 to 3 spots open.
They mostly had a community which was reliable pugs they could pull in to keep progressing.
“Hey Grumbles give cookies”
Grumbles - “Link AOTC and Covenant or else No”
Shadowlands in Nutshell.
Yes, I think it will be a miracle if my Covenant doesn’t get nerfed into oblivion. Maybe repeatedly. That’s just how WoW goes.
I’m in when the developers start asking, and answering the below question:
- How do we develop the game so that each tier of player feels like they are achieving their goals and having fun doing so, which includes PVE leveling (with dungeons and LFR/Normal Raids), PVP leveling brackets (and matchmaking), Mythic+ and Raids, and Max level PVP (possibly also with matchmaking)?
Thats why purchase shadowlans one month after release to be on safe side.
Its somewhat important to note that Dratnos is def not in Method guild, which raids in EU.
Yes, he’s under their banner, and gets some of their ad royalties etc, but he is not really Method.
As a shaman main, i found this especially frustrating in BfA. We needed help, didn’t even get the needed help in 8.1. Finally elemental got some help in 8.1.5, but I already unsubbed (and stayed unsubbed for 18 months.)
That makes sense, which is why this is a very polarizing topic for the community. I can say, for myself, that as long as the expansion at its core is enjoyable, I will play the game regardless of min/maxing.
So if my Covenant ability isn’t the greatest for some reason but the game itself is still well made I will enjoy it regardless. Sure there are little things here and there that I would say “hmm I wish this Covenant ability was this, or I wish this was that…”, but no expansion was ever perfect.
I feel that sometimes people get too caught up in the Meta and want the best of both worlds, which is what you are describing by if I’m comprehending correctly.