Dratnos' Big Shadowlands Fear

Method has had a massive impact on the design of this game in BfA. We’ve seen major class balancing actions taken literally because of what the top 0.0001% of players have been doing in professional mythic+ and arena PvP competitions.

Like I said, if it’s about major bugs or exploits or unintended game mechanics/interactions/behavior, that’s fine.

Gutting mechagnome racials because method streamers keep whinging on about how they just HAVE to reroll as mechgnome, HE JUST HAS TO because they are just SO GOOD, that’s so shortsighted on so many levels. That was them reacting to an extremely small group of players and taking it way too far. The mechagnome racials went from being extremely good to being some of the absolute worst in pretty much every single comparison you could make.

Method players start waiting for bloodlust (on their livestreams on twitch) and BAM, timers on Torghast.

If you genuinely want real change you have to be able to stand up for it and try and make your voice heard.



And I do think Method has a point here. Not because many people will find themselves making multiples of the same class (they won’t). But because locking substantial character power behind covenants can end up feeling bad in a lot of ways. Maybe you like the Kyrian spell for Prot Pally but would rather be Venthyr for Ret. Maybe Blizzard nerfs the covenant substantially (hello, Unholy Nova!) and your choice is now extremely lackluster. Maybe you just like the aesthetic of one covenant more, but the power from another covenant is too extreme to pass up.

The system just feels bad in a lot of cases.


Personally, I’d prefer if any Covenant abilities were just cosmetic abilities, not something that changes our DPS output. It’s high time our characters power comes from ourselves, not some sort of borrowed power Bull Crap they’ve been pushing on us for the last few expansions.

But it is what it is, and Blizzard is not gonna change the system until it’s too late.

I, however, will just go with the covenant that seems to fit the character the best, aesthetically.


Ok i totally get what your saying and youre right. respeccing every fight does kinda ruin immersion but I like to change my playstye every oppurtunity I get. it makes for much more engaging gameplay which I put > immersion. Ive been stuck playing destro the last 2 expansions with pre much the same talent build for almost every raid boss. id love more variery.

I think a fix to this covanent ability issue is to hemoginize the signature abilities. Most people want Venthyr for the teleport or the nightfae which also has a speedboost sig ability. so why not give all covenant abilities some time of mobile boost then people can pick the one with their fav class ability.
Or they should nerf/change the Venthyr teleport. This teleport is really messing things up

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Pretty much this.

This is the big thing for me. It’d be different if someone in the community proposed Covenants. The difference is this is Papa Blizzard saying “Yes, we want World of Warcraft to go back to its roots and be an RPG again.” It’d be one thing to try to force Blizzard to make the game an RPG again. It’s a different story when Blizzard themselves crunch the numbers and realize that what people want is for the game to become an RPG again.

We don’t have all the soul-binds, legendaries, or torghast powers in the game yet so it is obviously hard to get excited about anything beyond aesthetics. Your argument is like saying Mages and Warlocks should have been the same because the people hyped to play Warlocks during Vanilla WoW were hyped because of the flavor without knowing much about the gameplay experience. It’s not a valid argument TBH.

To be fair they’ve removed the Torghast timers. They’ve also removed most of the loot and turned it into a World Quest Hub in essence so I guess it fits your argument.

You’ll care when you don’t get into any pug raids or M+ because you don’t have the “right” covenant ability. Or when your raid leader tells you to play something you don’t want to play.


So if you aren’t doing content where the abilities really matter what are you talking about?

Oh no, whatever will I do? Oh, right, play with my FRIENDS.

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Even that causes some issues for people, especially those that PvP and PvE. I can only imagine the covenant class ability I want to get for PvP will be utility based as a DPS, whereas in PvE content it will most likely be throughput based. That leads to some issues for people like me, who want to do and be optimal in both kinds of content without having to make two Warriors.


Well most people here raid or run M+. So if you don’t do either of those, then I guess it really doesn’t matter to you.

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Of course Blizzard isn’t going to listen to these people, and will do the their own “vision” in the end. They just never learn. However, they might add a time gate to switch to the fotm Covenant to keep their active subscribers.


It doesn’t just impact Method - it impacts many other players well below their level.


LOL dam it must suck to be that petty. i feel bad for you.
Funny thing is tho If you think restricting us min/maxers to 1 covenant is gonna lessen the gap between us than youre sadly mistaken. Youll be restricted too, and where we’ll find a way to push it to maximize our performance, youll be stuck wishing you could change your covenant to keep up


Well if your FRIENDS want to down mythic raid bosses, and ask people to get better covenant abilities, will you stop being friends?

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To support your statement this does happen.

Previous raid tier I could pug a lot of M+ cause I was “deemed” a viable spec.

Now I cannot pug high keys cause I’m deemed garbage now.

I.e. why bring a boomkin when you can have a hunter.

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Exactly so why not make all signature abilities mobility based while the class abilities are throuput based. Then everyones happy in both pvp and pve.

I completely agree with you, my guild is casual mythic and they’re already talking about us having 4 versions of the class we already play.
It’s unrealistic what Blizzard is suggesting right now to those of us who don’t play seriously.
As I stated above the cream of the crop’s mentality will have a trickle down effect even for the more casual of casual players.
As I also suggested above again they should just take all of the covenant abilities and slap them in to each covenant with their own flair and allow us to swap between them easily in order to prevent any of this from happening.

I talk down about Feral a lot but it is a very good example of a spec that is suffering from these covenants. NONE of the covenants are good for Feral, the abilities were only made with two specs in mind; Boomie and Resto.
I may be forced to switch to Rogue in Shadowlands to remain relevant because of it.
These powers should not be locked behind covanants but shared among them. Blizzard has something here but they’re going about it entirely the wrong way.
An expansion about aesthetic is now an expansion about literally killing yourself on 4 different characters to remain relevant.
I WANT to be Night Fae covenant but if I have to get stuck with Maldraxxus and their horrible looking sets I won’t enjoy the game all that much. :confused:

The system genuinely feels horrible you are correct and the fact that they have been silent on something so flawed so far is a little frustrating.
They have time to fix it and I sincerely hope they do.


Agreed. There is a danger in building systems exclusively for the top. Because if you build something for the top, it could end up requiring a high skill ceiling to even use at any level of functionality. This would result in it being a net loss to the vast majority of players.

It needs to be built so that everyone from ground up can use the abilities. What will separate the lower end from the higher end will of course be timing of use and all that.

Yeah so now imagine with covenant abilities: “link AOTC and covenant”