Dratnos' Big Shadowlands Fear

Essences were made for “hardcore” players to give them something that carries over from one tier to the next. It was literally what Asmongold asked Ion for early in the expansion. And yes, I realize Asmongold isn’t a cutting-edge player but he pretends to voice their concerns at the very least (he appeals to the NEET audience).

Corruptions replacing WF/TF was made because Mythic players felt attacked by players getting items that were the same ilvl as their loot. Casuals liked WF/TF, contrary to popular opinion that nobody liked those systems.

The end result may be hated - appealing to the 1%ers actually doesn’t work because they’ll always be upset about something meanwhile the casual players rioted - but to say it wasn’t targeted to appeal towards them is a lie. It was. Casuals didn’t ask for essences, hardcore players did. Casuals didn’t ask for warforge/titanforge to be removed ,hardcore players did.

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yea same I agree

it’s okay buddy you tried, but you got it wrong for all of your points here

better luck next time?

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Lol. Don’t be so salty that you’re wrong. You’re wrong, you got played, don’t be salty, life moves on.

Yes. The “majority” that “loved” WoD.

This is 100% true. You don’t want any system or design impedes the ability to fotm reroll or raid log.

Your key group swap to triple outlaw too? For the “enjoyable” buttons?

Proof of your input? Where did blizzard announce that they made them for the “hardcore” players?

Proof of your input? Where did blizzard announce they replaced it because of Mythic players feeling attacked?

Man it’s been so long and people still don’t understand why forging sucked for raiders.
Mythic raiders didn’t like forging because it stopped them giving loot to their buddies.

Idk why casuals would like it since it inflated the expected ilvl of players since no life players like myself would have so many more forges than they would ever get. Forging hurt casuals not helped them.

Asking for forging to do =/= asking for corruption to come in its place.

Well since you show no will to see why you got it wrong, let me break it down for you

Nope. The Azerite system was recognized to be a total failure and was not enough to fill the holes left by all the Legion systems (artifact, legendaries, tier sets). Thus the Essence system was born. There is nothing more to it.

Nope. The majority simply recognized the absurdity of the system. The hardest content not always rewarding the best gear? That’s wrong.

Corruption was an attempt at correcting this (an extremely poor attempt might I say), which failed quite miserably and ended up being Titanforging on steroids.

Here we are now in Shadowlands, with no form of Titanforging or Corruption existing. Finally!

Devs did not appeal to the “1%”. If that was the case, Titanforging would have never existed, Legion legendaries would have never been random, Essences would have probably never existed in the first place, and so on.

Races are not rentals which is why trying to tie them into the failure that will be the covenant system is laughable.

First it is intellectually lazy and dishonest, and second it also reveals a flaw in that Blizz has painted themselves in a corner with their action RPG.

A MMORPG is supposed to have choices that matter from expansion to expansion like races.

WoW used to have an updated talent tree but when the talent tree stopped evolving that indicated they abandoned MMORPG principles.

Covenants is the most anti MMORPG concept I have ever, EVER heard of.

A rental by definition doesn’t generate a hard choice or even a MMORPG choice if it has no lasting value.

People threw a lot of flack against glyphs and talent trees but those are systems that lasted between expansions and acted as the sinew of the MMORPG experience. Talents and glyphs were not rigid choices like a race or class but it still was a RPG choice that persisted and grew expansion to expansion.

Covenants have zero growth and thus should not even be called a “RPG choice”.

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pretty much is another way of saying it’s close. close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.

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Na my key group at that time was a demo lock and a prot paladin with 2 melee from a list that rarely included a single rogue.

Swing and a miss lol. Look up my season 2/early 3 keys if you like haha

WHAT? How is that possible? How was your group even able to enter a dungeon with less than the most optimal setup?

But they are? In anything, they are pay to win. The fact that I can go Troll for the Jaina wall and then pay to go back Tauren for pvp with no repercussions.


I don’t have to be in method or read from a method player to know this is a terrible idea.

It was the same thing with AP in early legion.
Or legendaries throughout most of legion.
Or AP in early BFA.
Or essences/corruption currently.

They have literally gotten this right 0 times. Why would this time be any different?

The repercussions are you being stupid for wasting either 300k gold or 40 dollars for a sub 1% throughput difference, as I’m sure you are aware that the Troll racial has been hotfixed super quickly for Jaina.

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By playing classes we had buttons on that we enjoyed.i think you are accidentally making my point for me. So thanks I guess lol.

Having the choice gives people more fun buttons to choose from.

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The race you pick determines like 1% in terms of throughput. 1% matters to method so they all go troll if they think it will give them an edge. The difference between covenants will NOT be 1%. It will be much higher and noticeable. Just look a the charts on bloodmallet if you don’t believe me.

Take paladins as an example tons of races can be paladins the lowest is 85,139 The highest is 86,263 for a difference of 1,124. Making the difference between races 1.3% That is not a meaningful difference.

Being able to silence a whole pack during M+ vs getting a heal when you use your defensive is a HUGE difference. Or being able to shoot while people try to line of sight you in a pvp match vs having another button that just does a bit of dps and gains you focus.



Honestly WF/TF was fine if they had just lowered the ceiling.

Mythic is BiS full stop. Heroic is BiS for that tier.

Anything below that can WF/TF only 1 level higher with either heroic ilvl or normal ilvl being the ceiling. This way it doesn’t hose raid/M+ progression entirely.

Weird to say. Because the difference between racials is significantly more than sub 1% depending on situation.

So, blood elf…

So, Draenei…

So, picking the class you want, even though its suboptimal for certain content is fine. But picking a faction that you enjoy, even though its suboptimal for certain content is gamebreaking? Ok…


It would have been fine with it not forging more than 15 ilvls and being tradeable or at least tradeable as though it were its base ilvl.
Then there is no problem Imo.