Dratnos' Big Shadowlands Fear

Abilities, both class and signature, need to be untied from the covenants, simple!

Doing this pleases all parties, those who want to keep their “”"""""“meaningful”"""""" choice gets to keep it, and those who want the freedom and flexibility of using the best abilities depending on the situation can do so.


This cant be stressed enough!!!
There is a perceived trickle down effect where much of the community will just parrot the top end of town to RP higher than their station and on the other hand it is true that an unbalanced covenant system will feel very punishing in any gameplay mode which it is not the “BIS” selection.

Non-power rewards are usually how this has been offset, I think its a mistake too not just because it affects Method (i really don’t care if they choose to run 4 of every class), I care that I will be forced to choose the covenant that can skip trash for M+ because it is extremely OP and is required for groups/certain strategies.


Having the covenants restricted leads to this.

“I get one choice for the expansion? I guess I’ll check wow head to make sure I pick correctly.”

If you could swap freely, people could feel like they can ignore guides and experiment for themselves across dungeons, arena, raiding, etc.


As is the Blizzard way so frequently.

All the people arguing “I won’t even care if its a talent row because it’s not a meaningful choice” Is such a bad reply, I’d wager even amongst casual players they’d rather have 4 toys to play with instead of 1.

Ding ding ding we have a winner.


Many players ARE being punished.

That’s why some of us specifically like the system. The try hards that want to be the best they can be for their group, especially when they play different roles get punished the most.

Azerite gear was a start to the punishment. But shadowlands takes it much further.

Why is this method’s big fear anyway? It is their job, if the game require them to have 3 max levels for each covenant ability they will do it.

It should be the fear of all non pro players.

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It’s both. They recognize that it impacts not just them, but a large portion of the community.

Okay. Then make race/ professions the same. Let me pick BE or Tauren when I want to pvp. Human when I want to do dailies. And Troll for raid prog when the mini lust matters.

Yes. I’m a warrior. But I need blind, mass dispel or sheep for pvp and shroud and for pve. Level the playing field please.

Are you punished because you are a DK? Think of all the times you or your group could have benefited if you were a Pally instead.

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Sorry - I don’t think you understand.

I’m in favor of the current system. Specifically because of how punishing it is to the try hard min/maxers.

Your analogy to class also doesn’t make sense, since the people wanting the system changed to be more flexible would actually want it to function like classes.

But it’s exactly like classes. Classes aren’t flexible. If you want a new class you reroll. Same with covenant.

very ignorant answer

covenant abilities are not class-defining mechanic or utilities

they are an extra new button that will do a big chunk of your throughput, be it healing or damage.

the problem with that is these abilities, for the most part, are applying this extra throughput in drastically different ways, be it over time, in areas, or full on single target. We know blizzard can’t balance this, which is why this discussion started ever since Blizzcon 2019.

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Imagine seeing the same faces against making covenant abilities a talent row that were present talking out against account bound essences.

Remember when everyone on team “account bound essences would be a bad thing” said that people would quit the game over it, what happened there? Far as i can see more people are playing the game than at any other time in the expansion.

Crazy huh…

So they aren’t class defining buttons? Just really, really important buttons…

Like how a rogue operates compared to a dh?

Imagine seeing the same faces arguing for making more of the game “flexible” so that they can raid log easier.

Incorrect. When you level and gear another character of a different class - you can always switch and play on that character without having to regrind, level and gear that character, picking up where they left off. And you can always jump on that other class/ character at any time at no cost.

That’s exactly what people are asking for in terms of flexible covenants.

They don’t even want all covenants free and maxed out - they’re willing to go through each storyline separately. But like classes, they want to be able to switch back and forth without being charged and without having to regrind for what they’ve already earned.

You forgot to answer the part where you guys mention the world would end if it ever happened.

Use your brain please.

Being locked to one of these 4 spells means you WILL pick the “least worst” of the bunch, it’s inevitable.

If you don’t, it means you are not affected by this issue, which is fine.

However, the fact that it is fine for you does NOT mean it is fine for everyone else.

You cannot deliberately ignore these players who are affected by this issue. This is bad game design.


It doesn’t end. It just becomes less and less of an RPG. Might as well go full homogenization and give everyone the exact same abilities, with just cosmetic spell effects.

Weird. Do you do that at the character select screen?

We ignore players all the time. You have to. Some players want to multibox. Some want multiboxers banned. One side gets ignored.

I don’t think he understands how the game works.

I wouldn’t spend much time responding to him.

He’s another person whose arguments are weak and don’t have much merit - and I agree with him in that they should be restricted. He just can’t argue well for that stance.

Ah yeah, the fact I don’t have to regrind Nazjatar dailies to get my best essence for the fourth time really made WoW lose what made it a great RPG.

I’m so glad you’re here because you’re like a free win for the opposing team any discussion you decide to weigh in. Thank you.

Already with the strawman, amazing how quick you pull that card

Don’t feed the trolls.

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