Dratnos' Big Shadowlands Fear

If the devs haven’t figured out after over 15 years of the game existing, that players are going to optimize their choices, then the devs are morons.

Which is another reason why that myself (and many others) want the power decoupled from Covenants. There’s a million ways it can go wrong and very few where its gunna go right.

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Yeah that’s what makes it so strange. They should know by now. Hell, the lead designer was the GM of Elitist Jerks, so helped make that approach mainstream. It’s mind-boggling that they don’t expect it.

“Players will have to make hard choices. We’re putting the RPG back into mmoRPG.” is baffling because those hard choices are going to change almost weekly.

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Even if it’s a noble goal (and I think it is) they should know by now that it’s a pipe dream.

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That is expected. Even the playerbase knows that will happen. Which is why we support just unlocking covenants from the start. Else many players will find themselves grinding 4 of the same class to just swap around covenants. Others will hate how their off specs feel with the covenants and decide to just quit due to the nonsense. Players see it happening.

I just think that Blizzard can come up with better consequences aside from weeks long of progression thrown out the window when you want to swap


They’re just echoing the words and sentiments of many players outside of the"elitist" circle.

I am not method and I’m pretty casual

I think this locked in ability system is not the best idea

In fact I think it’s a horrible idea

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I’m in the same boat as a casual who enjoys rp.

The system feels bad and if I dislike it, I can only imagine how bad it’s going to feel for many other players who fall in between the casual and elitist lines of the spectrum. .

Because players enjoy the ability to have variety and and choices throughout an expansion.

As a casual player that enjoys the rp aspects of the game, covenants don’t have to be restrictive for me to play how I want and enjoy it from a role playing angle.

Nothing is taken away from my enjoyment of playing the game if covenants are freely changeable, but a lot of enjoyment would be given thi many players.

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Well put. There’s nothing keeping rp players like myself from staying with our first selection.


The option is based on the needs of your group and the content you’re doing.

This has the potential to change between every piece of the game you engage in - sometimes multiple times a day.

That’s where player agency and variety comes into play and can provide a lot of fun and enjoyment for many people. Restricting and limiting this does the exact opposite for those people- and makes them feel like disrespected customers.

To your last point, there are lots of players that would still enjoy the aesthetic rewards even if you don’t.

They will always do min max so it just seems like they are lazy and want it easy. They will reroll 10 times to get it right I guarantee, they just dont want to do the work.

I appreciate your time and concern. But I’m just sitting back and enjoying the pain and suffering many players are paying money for.

Perhaps you should be more concerned about them than myself. I’m, after all, not the one designing and imposing the system that’s causing the pain and suffering.

Then we should be pushing for Blizz to design more complete classes and specs, and using these rental power systems as a compliment to class design.

I wish people on here would realize that if you are locking into your covenant abilities that will affect anyone who wants to do anything; past lfr in raiding, any ranking of arena, any key above like 5 and so on.

Blizzard MIGHT be able to tune the rest of the game so there is only a small difference in numbers between the different covenants but in so many aspects of this game small differences are magnified. Ever wiped on a heroic boss while it was 3%? If only the I had chosen the best covenant and been able to do more/survive longer.


What you described is a choice.
When yo go to someone’s house for the first time and they offer you a coffee or tea they are not offering to make only that for the next 2 years.

If only you had picked the right race, the right fotm spec/ class, the right professions and kicked that “average” player from your raid you would have killed that boss too.

We aren’t being punished. We are picking an extension of our character. Nearly every other RP game has a version of this. We go from being a Human Fury Warrior to a Night Fae, Human, Fury Warrior. It should feel and play different than a Necrolord, Tauren, Fury Warrior.

If it doesn’t what then what is the point? Don’t stop at race/ covenant being meaningless, go full homogenization, make even class/ spec cosmetic only.


thankfully the game is not designed around guilds like method or so is the hope but if they make a point about affecting the casual its worrysome. i certainly dont wanna play two DH’s

There is no such thing as a complete class with rental power on top.

By virtue of the rental power existing it demonstrates what the base class lacks.

We even got complaints in MoP about how you needed your tier set to feel complete despite MoP being the most expansive classes have ever been.

Nobody is suggesting that. The basic argument is that locking players into one of four borrowed power abilities that interacts with each class/spec differently will probably have negative reprecussions for people of all levels of play with little to potentially gain as an expansion wide game design choice and this is all rectifiable now but Bliz isn’t talking to the community about it for whatever weird reason. There’s a good chance they’ll end up walking back on this after release but not until after the damage has been done to player engagement, and we don’t want this to be a possibility.