Dratnos' Big Shadowlands Fear

You have absolutely anything to backup any of that? I’ll wait.


There’s never been a point in the game where it wasn’t cookie cutter.

He doesn’t, he’s just another washed up player who sticks around talking about the glory days of when he raided seriously.

Getting real sick of these people :laughing:

Did his time raiding in Wrath but didn’t kill Lich king until 2016… hmm

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Except that it pretty much is.

Na I’m sure it’s totally different. You see vanilla has this rose red colouration to it but classic doesn’t. Totally different lol.

Vanilla didn’t have a 30 instance per day cap though!


Or people gaming world buffs to the point of servers maintaining control on who can drop what buff when.or else and parroting meta…

No, something changed in the game and it’s been downhill ever since. Whether it was the hardcore players or the scrubs or both who knows or cares but the game did a 180.

It’s just a shame that any MMO which wants to go back to the old days want to go too far back, to pre-WoW not pre-modern WoW

Method doesn’t like Covenant abilities because they don’t know which will be optimal when the raid opens, and by the time we DO know what is best, we’ll already be time invested in what we chose.

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covnant abilities will prolly kill the expac at this rate, i honestly never cared about making a choice that matters its pretty dumb and will create tons of problems


Catering to world first raiders by implementing systems world first raiders hate.

cant wait for mythic + grps “1100 IO must be Venthyr”

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Not designing this game around elites like Method is a step in the right direction.


Freedom of choice is good for all players, not just the top guilds. I’m casual, and agree with that assessment. All choices currently feel bad to me. Covenants shouldn’t affect gameplay at all.


After hearing his points I’m with Ion on this one.

My initial, emotional response was “this will be demoralizing when I make the wrong choice” But I think that feeling was wrong.

The choice isn’t right or wrong for me. I do heroic raids, medium difficulty keys (15-18), and low rated pvp (1800).

In that content I’m free to make really any choice I want and still be successful and that’s all that really matters to me. Being successful in the level of game I play and having fun is the real goal, the covenant abilities won’t prevent me from that.

In fact I’m sure it’s safe to assume that all the content I do at my level will be done by people not using the covenant abilities at all, just to show that it can be done.

I guess I don’t really care what Method says about covenants, I’m going to pick whatever I feel is fun and enjoy myself and that’s probably true for the overwhelming majority of the players of this game.

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As opposed to bfa where they designed it how they wanted it? Oh wait no they didn’t. Not even close.

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It’s kinda sad that people think like this.

It’s not about “designing the game around Method”, it’s about not essentially boobytrapping your game with Covenants because of the idea that somehow a choice isn’t meaningful unless making the wrong one directly punishes you.

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Ne neither. I just like variety in my game play. That’s why I don’t always play with photosynthesis. Sometimes I like to mix it up and press different buttons and I would like that to last more than a week in shadow lands personally.


Question is though is it boobytrapping if Blizzard’s intent is that you won’t care about having the best covenant for every activity but the players intent is that you will?

Sounds more like a conflict of interest and the players not wanting to do things the way the designer’s intended while complaining that they are punished for deviating from the designer’s vision.

Covenant signature abilities will have talent trees associated with them. So not only are covenants abilities highly controversial but so are the covenant signature abilities.

Making “hard choices” with rentals on par with talents or picking class/race seems dumb to me and very anti MMORPG.

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Covenants are similar to races in a lot of respects.
You can change them. But it’s not something intended to be swapped around to perfectly min/max whatever situation you find yourself in during today’s play session.

You saw some extreme players (Method) rerolling after raid last M+ season in order to push keys. Then rerolling back for next weeks raid. Race changing for a single progression boss BE/Zul, Troll/Jaina was something a lot of these guilds did with little hesitation.

These are the same 1% Guilds and players who faction transferred for Warfront and AOO rewards before the start of BoD and then swapped back for progression.

They are extreme. Most players aren’t them. A variance in performance as large as 5% will probably go ignored by most players, but these guys will spend thousands of dollars worth of resources or commit collective days worth of their time to secure that kind of minor advantage for themselves.