Eh, if they would roll the ones that worked well into the next expansion it wouldn’t be bad, but they’re scared to.
Borrowed power really started with WoD though.
Eh, if they would roll the ones that worked well into the next expansion it wouldn’t be bad, but they’re scared to.
Borrowed power really started with WoD though.
I didn’t mind Azerite, it’s kind of a “choose your own set bonus” style system.
Tying it to the neck at release was incredibly stupid. ESPECIALLY when they made the costs change based on item level.
I also only really like the 2 outer rings.
Ha. You put that much trust in what Blizz says?
They’ve said a lot of things before, like implementing features that never end up in the final product, or them saying they’ve “learned from their mistakes” when they continually repeat them, etc.
Soulbinds not making it in would be they lost their “grind mechanic” they wouldn’t lose that grind mechanic
Azerite really sucks though when you can get the traits you need and all the rest of the traits are really bad.
But yes, it was much worse at the start, don’t know who’s idea it was to make an upgrade a downgrade because you LOST rings.
I mean they did for azerite and essences and corruption in bfa so there is a precident.
Also legos in legion but I wasn’t playing then so can’t really talk knowledgeably about them.
All I want is them to skip to the part where they change it rather than taking a patch or two to do it.
Luckily I think this one is a much easier change then say the azerite problem.
They were so far up their necks in azerite i don’t think there was time to change it, we got it late alpha and by then there was very little time to change, large changes generally don’t happen in beta.
They spent many qa sessions after that saying they knew it wasn’t good, but didn’t know how to fix it.
However, this one seems more like a switch, or a sliding scale of how hard it is to switch covenants.
I will be kicking and screaming into shadowlands until the system is fixed.
I am 100% confident Covenant abilities will be horribly balanced and the game will suffer if they aren’t treated like a new talent row as opposed to a semi-permanent choice.
They are going to make sweeping balance changes after SL goes live, but not before players have already made decisions.
It’s going to feel real bad for normal players if your choice ends up getting nerfed into the ground because it’s too strong in content you may not even participate in.
How many times has a class/spec suffered because of high end pvp or pve players figuring out some new trick?
Covenants will make or break WoW for the next two years and I’m not willing to quietly accept another bad addition to the game.
Their track record during BFA does not impart any confidence based on Azerite traits, essences and corruptions. How could any reasonable person think Covenants will turn out any better?
Game is supposed to be an RPG, not an E-Sport. Make a choice and live with it. I have no respect for a guild that’s literally spent thousands of dollars and 10’s of millions of gold supporting CFG’s for gear just to be “the best” at WoW. It’s the videogame equivalent of all those Baseball Players taking steroids to break homerun records back in the 90’s.
Yeah, you’re going to win when you’re cheating.
Yeah, I did by picking shaman.
I’ll be sure to send a note that the people on the forums who don’t do any content don’t respect limit or method. Ugh, imagine trying to be the best version of yourself.
Y U C K!
I get it, you need someone else to do your thinking for you. Making your decisions yourself is hard.
But seriously though, why would I respect guilds that are 100% the reason why a game that used to average 12 million players can’t even break 3 million now? All the bad game design decisions made since Cataclysm have been made to appease World First guilds, and it’s objectively ruined the game.
Imagine scapegoating world first guilds when a lot of the magic removed from the game was to cater for casuals by adding quality of life bloat. What a hack response. Lazy and an outright lie.
When did you start playing the game? I’ve been playing since Vanilla and raided in every iteration.
It’s funny a lot of the people who got mad and quit left around about the time LFR was introduced.
Nice baseless claim, but no, no one thing “caused” the decline.
Mostly it was just it being old and people not looking for mmo’s anymore. WoW always had extremely huge turnover rate, it just used to have an influx of players to keep it growing. It’s almost 16 years old now and the market isn’t in favor of mmos, that’ll never happen again.
I mean, you checked my achievements but didn’t check to see how long I’ve been playing? I’ve been here since vanilla too, and got the Yellow Brewfest Stein to prove it. I did my time raiding and was a main tank from Vanilla to Wrath.
But hey, I get it, when you can’t refute a person’s point, attack their character instead. Doesn’t change the fact the World First Guilds have 100% been the driving force of all the bad changes made to the game systems. Simping for them isn’t gonna get you on their roster either.
So, you can’t provide a single piece of evidence of why it’s the hardcore players who brought about the decline of wow?
Just checking.
Again, not actually refuting what I’m saying, just ad hominem after ad hominem.
We MIGHT see an mmo resurgence to the likes of WoW in a situation in the future where something like a “full dive” becomes possible, but that’s a long way off. 2004 was the perfect boiling point in the mmo market for wow to become a the monster it was.
Hell, it wasn’t even that good, it was just different.
Also the irony of this statement while defending forced cookie-cutter e-sports gameplay. Sure, definitely the best version of you, that someone else did for you.