Dratnos' Big Shadowlands Fear

I don’t think wow is for them anymore then rpg back into MMOrpg ftw!

Well said sir!

Covenants should not be similar or same to races. That is why the whole rentals and borrowed systems will come crashing down on the diablo B dev team.

They are trying to build something that is against the spirit of MMORPG game play and trying to shoe horn in Action RPG philosophy which fails to work in WoW which is a MMORPG.

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What about racials goes against the spirit of MMORPG gameplay?
Should we remove them?

I don’t understand what you mean. What specifically is wrong with convents not being an instantly revocable choice? I don’t think them being swappable like talents would make a better system.

Yes. Failure to recognize how players with deal with the system is a failure on the Devs when designing the system.

So either the Devs didn’t see the massive level of power and utility between Covenants, which will invariably push people to one particular Covenant depending on their playstyle, or that was their intent.

Either way isn’t really all that good.

Which is fine. Until it becomes a level of power that creates a serious gap between two otherwise equal characters.

With the most obvious example being Every Man for Himself, wayyyyy back in the day, and the only reason not to be a Human was that your class literally couldn’t be a Human.

And keep in mind, that pretty much every good racial has been continuously nerfed over and over because they were such an issue in balancing.

And it’s not like Fighting OP with OP ever worked to balance the racials. All that did was make all the PvPers go Alliance for EMFH and all the Raiders go Horde for Berserking. Which is how Covenants are going to work.

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But that isn’t what happened at all.

Horde has always had a healthy PvP presence and the farther back you go the better the Alliance raiding track record looks. Heck, Method was an Alliance raiding guild . . .

Mentioning the power of Human racials in past PvP seasons is a pretty good point to look closer at. There was certainly a time when they were the most powerful. Many people went Human for that utility in PvP. But I don’t remember them transfering to something better like Troll, Orc, Dwarf or Nelf every time they went to do a raid, dungeon, or something outside of PvP. Nor do I remember people transfering from other Races to Human when they queued up with their team for their weekly games.

Maybe there were people that extreme, maybe they were transfering between different races based on the content they were currently engaged with back then, but it certainly wasn’t a practice the average player found themselves participating in or concerned with.

This thread has gone into the crapper. The pro-swappers realized they lost about 200 comments back and turned to aggressive name-calling. I guess the name calling will only get worse as Shadowlands gets closer, as the pro-swappers realize they don’t have any sway and Blizzard is going to do what is best for the game regardless of their minority opinion.

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You’re not wrong, but I would also add in the “arena pros” have been directly responsible for numerous nerfs when things become too good in PvP (except for demon hunters for some reason) too. Those same nerfs carried over into PVE.

The issue I have with this is there will be two ways to handle it:

  1. Actively rebel and go on a crusade to show you’re right by shunning/being jerks to/etc. anyone who isn’t min-maxing covenants despite that being Blizzard’s intent.

  2. Change your own mentality on if you need to min-max covenants since Blizzard has said that’s not the idea and maybe approach things differently.

What’s most telling is people will pick #1 and not #2, making things worse overall, rather than take a step back and re-evaluate their own approach to the game. Instead they will make life worse for everyone else than change themselves when it’s blatantly obvious that their view, in this case, is being stated to be wrong.

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I couldn’t agree more.

And I am also fearing that it might end up like this. v v v

One of the biggest reasons I haven’t bought Shadowlands yet.
If its going to be like what Dratnos mentioned above, I’ll just wait till 9.2.5 or something. By then, the expansion would’ve probably gotten a 50% discount or something. In other words, not going to pay full price (like I did with BfA), to beta test.

Roleplaying is just pretending go pretend whatever you like. You can pretend you’re not allowed to change your covenant. Some of us don’t want to be punished because of blizzard’s bad systems.


They aren’t alone

The easiest fix is to have covenant abilities on their own talent row to freely chose from.

Have only your covenant choice give you cosmetics and story. Almost everyone will be happy.

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No one tries to deny content to anyone.

But there are 2 ways of looking at things.

Tier 2 of the Holy Priest has no options. Only Angelic Feather is worth using.

Covenants offer you one option over the others.
You can choose to be good for AoE or ST.

If a Covenant could have everything then there would be no choice.

And if you could switch Covenant as if they were talents then there would be no options either.
Everyone would go for X to do AoE or Z for ST.

Where is the option there?

And if the Covenants were just for getting mounts or pets then I’d rather not spend time on that.

The big fear is bears.

FACT: Bears eat beets.

I seriously am glad they don’t try to design an RPG around what a few no life weebs want to try and turn into their jobs.

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It isn’t just them. Every player that plays more than one role or type of content will be impacted.

Dratnos had a great suggestion around legos on his podcast. Rather than constructing one effect, allow us to combine an offensive and utility effect. No one will choose a utility effect otherwise.

It’s not a big deal…

it’s never a big deal.

So much drama. Geez.

Dratnos is a goober and his routes are some scuffed nonsense that not even naowh uses.