I think the utility of the generic abilities could be changed so that every one is some type of movement. That would be fine with me.
But of what population, how did they get their numbers?
Why should we care about the 1% argument in shambles
I never said 1% killed the end mythic boss, I said it only matters to less than 1%, the WF racers, the super high key pushers, the gladiators.
you have 5-6 months and many nerfs to kill the last boss of a raid tier, anyone with a modicum of ability and some time can do it, on any spec and class.
No but I for one find it fun picking over logs on discord with my friends. Sorting out my timings better for when to ramp my heals for a flourish. Perfecting positioning by watching my gameplay back after raid or the next day. Trying new essences if I’m not short on mana for example.
This is fun for me. Making decisions that will improve my gameplay.
“1%” is just a handy number to type. It’s been a meme ever since Occupy Wall Street, everyone quickly grasps the concept. You don’t need data showing it’s actually around 1% of the population.
And what would you replace it with, some awkward concept like “two sigmas beyond the mean?”
Both sides of the argument are silly though, there’s not reason not to change it to be easily switchable between covenants.
And for most people the difference in abilities doesn’t matter.
That’s why its fun to me to argue about it. I don’t really care if they open it up to easy switching.
Then it won’t hurt if they make it suit the people it does matter for then.
I do. I have already canceled my recurring sub over it and will pay with gold for the next couple of months until they give more info on this. Certainly haven’t bought SL yet
So you’re going to show them… by giving them even more money?
No I have stopped giving them money. Put of the 500 characters you can write when canceling a subscription I wrote 499 about covenants. I will raid a little more with the gold I have but do not have enough gold to last into SL and at this stage don’t plan on re subscribing unless changes are made.
I might change my mind later but that’s my plan at this stage.
Doesn’t matter if it’s not out of your pocket, your subs worth just went from 15 bucks to 20 bucks, you’re giving them more money then before.
If you want to make a statement you have to let your gold rot.
For the next couple of months sure. Not long term though. And this way I got to voice my opinion more loudly through the survey. I’m not kidding myself into thinking it’s a direct line to ion or anything we all know only method has that (joking) but it’s the loudest I can do as an individual so that’s what I did.
They probably will just make them easy to switch. Which is fine.
I just have a bad feeling they’ll ditch it and go full cosmetic and all the abilities and soul binds will function the same and the whole system will be boring and then i’ll be charging back my SL purchase.
As long as they do that at launch not a patch or two later like azerite armour, essences and corruption were. And legendaries from what I hear buybi didn’t play legion so Idk personally.
Azerite was a broken system from the start, even their fixes didn’t fix it. It would have had to have been scrapped honestly, but then we probably wouldn’t have seen BfA til Aug 2019
I conceptually disagree with Blizzard’s hardline stance on covenants and forcing us into a choice that is somewhat impactful (though I definitely think the overall value of covenant abilities and their impact on the tryhards is hugely overblown) but I think the greater good is more important here…and that is breaking this community’s deeply ingrained and toxic as crap viewpoint on min max itself.
The simple fact of the matter is this game is NOT that hard and content is very much achievable even without the perfect min max environment. I, for one, am extremely tired of the community acting like everything from gear to talents to even entire specs being “absolute trash” is if it isn’t “the best”.
If this means we get locked into a covenant where our ability is not the “best” for every mode of content…then good. Maybe then the community will finally begin to see that not everything has to be absolute min max for victory.
people was begging them to scrap it in the testing phase (testers was) but they stuck with their guns…
You still trying to defend this?
Just give up dude. Blizzard won’t change the system.
Just submit.
Problem is, without azerite they would have had nothing and BfA would have been even more empty.
It might have been an upgrade, borrowed powers was a bad idea from the start. even in legion it was bad. Everyone hated the ap grind.