Dratnos' Big Shadowlands Fear

He knows it he posts on his main all his achievements would be public and we can see his very in depth mythic raiding content of zero while throwing rocks at people who didn’t do mage tower.

Sham poster move along.

You also cant use that as a determiner anymore…too many people getting pulled through content and too many of us who gave up on certain content after it lost its way. I havent set foot in a raid since Legion on any of my alts but I know how raids run vs someone who paid a powerful guild to pull them through Nyalotha and still doesnt have a clue.

and what if he does have a record? Can you prove it if he paid or played on that record? I think it best not to make that as your best arguement against him.

Think of me what you will, not here to appease you. I know what I am myself.

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No, you’re just here to give takes on people who do difficult content while hiding behind a classic character.

Got it :cool:

It is a weighted choice. If I choose Venthyr because of story, fun, and enjoyment over all the others, that means something if I can’t leave and switch back to Venthyr immediately. If I can just swap the ability whenever, there is nothing besides soulbinds that ties me to the covenant. And then also, they have to make soulbinds (the ones that affect your covenant ability) that swap to other covenants (e.g. they have to be generic or they’re putting in exponentially more work).

So you see, the current system really IS the most streamlined design.

You’re asking for a LOT more than you’ve thought through. “Just make them talents” takes ALL of the flavor and impact of making a choice out of it.

The point is: numbers is probably the most shallow reason there is to make a covenant choice.


Spoken like a true 3 mythic boss raider.

But my point still stands :slight_smile:

As a casual player, I know I benefit from the 1% because they’re the ones that write the guides that teach me how to play my class, create useful addons, and help you figure out what to do with yourself when you hit level cap and no longer have a clear guided path on how to effectively spend your time.

Why would I want to punish them with a system when the only benefit people can describe in this thread for me is RoLePlAyInG? I can already write a TRP profile about how I’m a badass necrolord.

I’d love to pick based on story reasons or appearance, unfortunately I can’t because I do mythic raiding and that would be selfish to my raid mates.

Damn hey.

See, here’s the thing, I’m not hiding. I just don’t care to take the time to switch.

I mean, you’re not in a position either where this whole thing would matter, your guild killed n’zoth about a month ago after numerous nerfs and you don’t push M+, you can do what you did with any class, any spec.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

We raid 7 hours a week (2 nights) and were competitive with three night guilds. We killed it the night after the damage nerf went through.

Unfortunate that you feel that way. Maybe you can discuss it with them and say hey guys I know this isn’t the #1 ability but I really like it. And maybe in several patches soulbinds will fix that problem. And also, perhaps it’s not really all that selfish to play a game how you want to play it.

And lastly, perhaps you can find a different way of playing Shadowlands that is more fun for you.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying what you didn’t isn’t commendable, anything under rank 500 is pretty damn good, it’s just that you don’t need to be 100% perfectly spec’d and in fotm to do it.


I enjoy mythic raiding, It’s fun to me.

So do many other people. 5.2% Of the WoW population has Mythic Ghuun based on worldofwargraphs, That’s a bit more than 1% (Oh no!)

Thanks Dad, can you let me know It’s whats on the inside that counts not what I look like on the outside? I’ve been after this kind of reassurance for a while.

Never said you had to stop Mythic raiding.

I completely agree. The utility the ability provides is much more important which is why they are impossible to get even close to balancing.

No I’m asking for the flavour and impact to come from something other than the power. That’s why I’m asking now not they day before 9.0 goes live.
For example

  1. have a mog set that you earn over time staying with the same one
  2. have unique story like for each one that plays out over time
  3. have world quests unique to each covenant skirmishing into other zones
  4. have world pvp events like the battle for nazjstar where factions cease to matter and you fight along covenant lines

Eh, we don’t actually know any %'s, all that kind of data tends to be biased in some way. Specially since no one has any clue what the sub numbers are.

I mean, you can argue the truth all you want but its still the truth /shrug.

In fact it says here 7.8% Of the population has Jaina achievement,

That’s certainly more than 1%!