Except soul binds are in the game, PoT never got even a whiff of implementation.
Soul binds are the whole way the new AP system works, they’re the covenant progression system.
PoT never even made it into the game files, Soulbinds have.
Except soul binds are in the game, PoT never got even a whiff of implementation.
Soul binds are the whole way the new AP system works, they’re the covenant progression system.
PoT never even made it into the game files, Soulbinds have.
False. My Priest did Mythic raiding in Uldir and I quit a mythic guild because it’s not for me.
If those players want to get that 1/2% then fine, let them. But do not remove the RPG elements that finally have the rest of us excited about Shadowlands.
Edit: Also, no one has any ill will toward mythic raiders. You’re taking this far too personally as if we’re beating you with RPG elements when the players on this forum constantly want the RPG elements back. “But not THAT way, Blizzard!”
honestly I think blizzard needs to remember the entire reason that WoW was as successful as it is was because they didn’t cater to the hardcore…
This is true, WoW started as an casual game, there was no raids at first or pvp, just 5-mans and questing.
Damn you’re right you’ve done 3 mythic bosses, guess I should arguing because you clearly know all about the finer points of balance.
You know RPG elements usually incorporate story, which means a meaningful choice could be based on what story you prefer…
Wait a second…
what… what does this mean…
Can we petition for Blizzard to change WoW to a MMOMCPLG
you know it would be a lot easier to discuss things with you if you didn’t have this passive-aggressive condescending tone.
Because this topic has been done to death, It’s a bunch of salty soyboys trying to spite people who care about pushing content.
but the meaningful choicesssss
You can disagree with me, but make sure you read the earlier posts of this thread.
Then you’re free to make the choice based on story or power or whatever you want See the current system works!
I wanna choose based on which covenant ability I like most, which zone appeals to me, and which y’all I want to stay in. I can do that!
A mythic raider wants to choose to grind out four characters for a slight advantage? Fine! Cool!
The power of choice!
It was it was baby’s first mmo compared to the offerings of the time, it was as casual as they get.
Um…Legion was years ago now…
But yes its just gotten worse as time progresses and they shed their original player base for a player base that is more transient and more competitive.
I just hope they can get torghast right and it become successful, showing they can create fun and meaningful content besides e-sport mythic + and arena’s
With only cosmetic rewards I really don’t know how far it’s going to get.
Just like how people make thread after thread about how they are upset they missed challenge mode sets in MOP.
Yeah man who even cares!
Cosmetics is considered content for some people. I used to go hardcore mount collecting.
IF as you say people make “thread after thread” about it…obviously someone cares.
Unless you are claiming its the same people spamming like the Highelf nitwits
I’m not saying no one cares, but they could have made it a lot better by offering both power and cosmetics.
For as many people complain about the mage tower, participation in it was actually pretty low.
Yeah, people also talk about the high points of mage tower.
What were the rewards for mage tower again? Can someone help me out here I’m drawing a blank.
That is one of the cardinal gaming sins blizz makes, you do not remove content in games, it turns ppl off from them.
Yes, some, but not all, they could have hit everyone by offering power and cosmetics, as it stands I have no reason to go above floor 10, and I was really looking forward to it.
Ah yes from the “Wirts database of secret knowledge”.
Love that database it’s endless it seems.