Dratnos' Big Shadowlands Fear

People have already explained why it will impact the 99% whether it should or not.

Instead you want to gut the system and remove anything meaningful about it so you can swap it at will because you can’t fathom not picking 100% optimal choices in everything.


In this particular instance, it’s something that can be changed in a way that doesn’t affect anyone negatively.

But this is blizzard, the people who took the complaint of “too many dailies!” in mop and made wod, where nothing mattered.

I’m worried all these people complaining are going to make the whole system go cosmetic only and ruin another part of SL like torghast was ruined.

That’s all about playing better unless you are the super top.

What happened to Torghast?

Yea or having a better button to push. It’s no different that people potting or not. Just another layer.

Only the first 10 levels (the easy level) give any type of power reward, the rest is all cosmetic BS which means it’s DoA for me.

Why can’t my meaningful chocie be based on story reasons or appearance reasons?

Recently saw a thread here on GD about the best healer to carry +15s, to make them easier for everyone involved, and the answer was… Holy Paladin and Resto Druid, AKA the specs everyone insists are ONLY EVER USED good for pushing keys, +15s are SUPER EASY and Holy Priest is just as good, honest. No one actually said Holy Priest when the idea that one of the DPS might be slacking off was introduced.

Maybe the meta slaves aren’t always wrong.

So then we can expect to see multiple threads about how this system sucks in a year from now?


If it was based on story or appearance reasons there wouldn’t be the need to switch it between raiding and m+ and PvP and whatever else.




I don’t get why this is a bad thing.

If it’s just appearance that’s dull af.

Because what’s the point of doing the harder levels? Not everyone plays this game for cosmetics.

I’m tired so you’ll have to explain your point better because I really don’t get it.

Not everything has to have super difficulty so people can feel like special snowflakes

You’ve just nailed the perfect system, people get to choose covenants for appearance or story reasons so a new talent row would be perfect.

All this time and you’re still ignoring how soulbinds fit into your system. They’re rooted strongly in the covenants (you create a bond with a person in that covenant)

I’m super casual, but agree with Wirt. 10 just seems too little. The progress should stop at floor 30 at the least, not 10.

But a talent row would let you switch it on a whim so you wouldn’t be picking it for story or appearance reasons?