Dratnos' Big Shadowlands Fear

I mean at this point your profile is basically a starter kit for people who are against making them talents

Highest key not over 11 Check
No relevant mythic bosses killed Check
Missing any 1500 arena achievement Check

Maybe if you did any content where balance matters and impacted the outcome of your content your opinion would hold more weight. Spiteful players, smh.


That’s not even an attack on them or anything its just pointing out that for them it doesn’t matter but for others it does.

That would be like me saying I think people in the tour de france should have to ride mountain bikes not road bikes. It doesn’t effect me either way.

Here’s how it should work.

OK, Warrior. Here’s the deal. You get one of these following four abilities.

  • Bone Smash
  • Fairy Smash
  • Angel Smash
  • Blood Smash

Monk, pick one of the following.

  • Bone Kick
  • Fairy Kick
  • Angel Kick
  • Blood Kick

Mage, you’re next. Pick one.

  • Bone Blast
  • Fairy Blast
  • Angel Blast
  • Blood Blast

etc, etc, etc, etc

There. Problem solved. Screenshot this and the many posts like this. Namaste.

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I’m not angry.
I’m just looking to have fun.

But I don’t want my fun to be indirectly affected by 1%.

The reality is that the game should be fixed by Blizzard.
It doesn’t matter if one chooses a passive talent or not.

The only thing that should change is whether you spend an extra GCD or not.

Venthyr vs Night Fae. etc

But that is not the case.

When 1% say one thing this has an impact on casuals.
Everyone else, even the casual ones, will reject you for not being in the “good” group.

I am doing M + at my own pace. It works for me. But I play knowing that no one wants a holy priest for M +


Yes, and when the everyone else gets the information from icyveins about which covenant you choose because you’re locked to one i hope everyone against opening the system enjoys the ramifications.

Yawn, that’s the most boring suggestion in the whole thread.

I’d be fine with it going to easy switching. My worst nightmare is the whole thing goes cosmetic only though and then I have no reason to even partake in the system.

They’ve already ruined torghast, hope they don’t ruin covenants.

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Your worst nightmare will become more or less true by 9.3.


Nah, they’ll just make them easy to switch and call it a day, no reason to do it any other way.

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What is the difference between easy to swap and cosmetic only?

Easy to swap still keeps them as separate abilities. There’s still a difference between the venthyr and fae abilities.

And the problem here is parroting icy veins and thinking the issue is the system not “website say x best” as a motivation for everything, as well as thinking anything but x is bad.

Yeah not sure what tree you’re barking up here.

If something is even a 1% differenece, that number can be the difference between a +1 an a -1 key.

Maybe if you did any content you’d be able to see this.

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What is good for Method probably isn’t good for the most of WoW players.

If you’re attempting to push yes, anything matters (WF/Super high M+) but for things that matter (M+15 and just clearing CE) you can do that with any spec.

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no way!!!

The point is, the people where this would really matter are even less that 1% of the player base.

So because it’s a small group of players we shouldn’t bother about trying to cater to them at all when it wouldn’t impact the 99% negatively at all?

Show us on the doll where they hurt you

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Yea screw minorities right? :roll_eyes:

Or any key that you have timed or failed by less than 10 seconds. Any wipes on any bosses at 1% hp. Any trash that you almost killed then wiped and it all resets