I mean at this point your profile is basically a starter kit for people who are against making them talents
Highest key not over 11Check No relevant mythic bosses killedCheck Missing any 1500 arena achievementCheck
Maybe if you did any content where balance matters and impacted the outcome of your content your opinion would hold more weight. Spiteful players, smh.
Yes, and when the everyone else gets the information from icyveins about which covenant you choose because you’re locked to one i hope everyone against opening the system enjoys the ramifications.
I’d be fine with it going to easy switching. My worst nightmare is the whole thing goes cosmetic only though and then I have no reason to even partake in the system.
They’ve already ruined torghast, hope they don’t ruin covenants.
And the problem here is parroting icy veins and thinking the issue is the system not “website say x best” as a motivation for everything, as well as thinking anything but x is bad.
If you’re attempting to push yes, anything matters (WF/Super high M+) but for things that matter (M+15 and just clearing CE) you can do that with any spec.
Or any key that you have timed or failed by less than 10 seconds. Any wipes on any bosses at 1% hp. Any trash that you almost killed then wiped and it all resets