How can your choice be MEANINGFUL THEN?!
that’s the plan that ion was talking with Sloot when it was brought up
Tbh making them all the same isn’t very different from having everyone stuck on the same one because its op for the last raid boss and you can’t swap for the other fights or pvp or m+
For Raiding, covenant X might be #1 on some fights, but it’s not like covenants Y and Z are somehow disabled either. It’d be up to the player to make the most of what they chose. They will have their moments to shine. Same deal with the other areas of the game.
I don’t care about Method’s opinion.
By everyone you mean like 20% of the player base at best.
I’d like for them to be permanent, no switching at all, but I’m not going to win that probably so easy switching is a good compromise.
Ah yes,
You may only shine in one form of content at a time, otherwise you will be objectively worse than someone else
Truly masterful game design.
Nothing like a good level playing field after coming from a system like corruption which favored those hugely early on in the system before the vendor was announced (due to backlash).
hello fellow gamers, lots of familiar faces here
covenants bad, boomers dumb, updoots to the left (well for this website its heart at the bottom)
By everyone I mean everyone I am likely to play with as someone who raids ce yes. Unfortunately I also enjoy pushing fairly high keys so one of those 2 will be hurt by the other and the whole time I’m doing that half of my end game I will be wishing I had a different button to push.
I’m sorry, i just can’t have any sympathy for that train of thought, it’s a numbers > anything else train of thought. It’s not about fun, it’s just about winning.
Well Blizz seemed fine with losing subs by not implementing flying in WoD, and tried to make a compromise via Pathfinder.
Ask any disc priests how “their moments to shine” go in pushing Mythic plus? Having things so min maxed to one branch of end game isn’t good.
This. Please do not change them to talents, Blizzard.
This. This game is an RPG. It’s an adventure. I don’t want it to become even more of a spreadsheet like it’s been becoming.
One of my best WoW friends that I play with several hours a day heals 20 keys as a disco priest.
Feral druids moment in shine in:
Sub rogues shining moments when they are invited to:
I can only speak for myself but I find winning fun.
I also find theory crafting and planning fun.
I also find taking meme builds fun on occasion too. Unfortunately I won’t be able to do that if I can’t swap things around.
Yea and my best friend last season was a warlock doing 20s too. He hated it. I’m not saying it can’t be done I’m saying it feels bad.
I mean, hating something doesn’t mean much, you can be playing the “OP class” and hate it.
If I could only play fire on bm i’d hate my life. You can play something that doesn’t work as well on paper and still enjoy it.
Endorsing a system that makes players feel bad, as small as that part of the pie may be, is just a really bad stance to take.
Make Rain of Fire worth using, Blizz.