I mean let’s be honest here the major problem is the covenants aren’t balanced. That’s the root. There shouldn’t be a “best” choice if the idea is that you’re picking it for what suits your character and not raw power.
Put a weekly lock or higher on it like the Zadalari Loa racial buff.
Covenants should be a new talent tier.
Simple, elegant solution to this mess!
No need to apologise I use I and you all the time to mean the differing view points too. Don’t worry about it.
In my experience those expectations are only really there on progression mythic bosses.
When we are reclearing no one cares what each other have on for vrxiona or raden etc. It only becomes an issue if we are wiping on nzoth or carapace when we shouldn’t be. Plenty of times people try things on these bosses for fun of cheese and it doesn’t matter at all because they die anyway.
The only times people are really expected to maximise output is when progressing of tough bosses but the players who choose to do that are wanting that sort of game play that’s why I joined a ce guild. By not being able to swap I am not able to have that gameplay option if I enjoy other specs or types of content.
I just can’t see how this is a problem for heroic raids or lower mythic raids even.
The community will make it a problem by parroting what the high-end mythic raiders do, like everything else. Same like every dungeon now gets treated like the MDI because people blindly follow whatever the upper tier and streamers do. We’ve seen this happen time and time and time again, even if it’s not the intent.
So basically by allowing it to happen, it’s enabled. If it was nipped in the bud and stopped (somehow) it wouldn’t even come up.
There are a lot of meta slaves out there who are dumb and don’t even know why the meta is the meta. People using blood dks in keys and then not pulling like they are method EU for example. I used to play earhammrr 40k too and my favourite army was blood angel’s with 9 dreadnoughts in 1800 points. Didn’t win much but I had fun. It wasn’t the army I took to taunamrnts but it was the one I took to my local hobby shop to play my mates with.
Edit to add. The problem with the covenants not being swappable is that I would have to choose what to play for 2 years. My dreadnought meme army or my taunament one. That sucks. Both are fun in their own ways and context.
But they’ve already announced you can change covenant, so it’s clearly not going to be as important as you make it out to be.
Wouldn’t your two army choices be like choosing characters? No one’s saying you can’t still play your alts. But wanting to swap between different covenants is like me complaining that my warlock can’t be a paladin whenever she feels like it.
I drink Method’s tears.
Imo that would be me saying my blood angels army isn’t also dark eldar.
Both were blood angels but were different flavours of blood angels. Jump back heavy vs dreadnought.
That’s how I see it at least.
If you are under the impression Blizzard can even get these remotely close enough for people to not pick the best for their main source of content I’d like to know the last time you played WoW because it very clearly wasn’t BFA.
Yeah but imagine how bad it is for choosing a bad covenant AND being Alliance on top of that.
That’s fair. I know next to nothing about Warhammer aside from the occasional memes. But yeah I like that we have to make a hard character decision and it would be disappointing to see it moved from that.
The thing with the balance is that it is impossible to get even. Or close to even with how varied they are and how varied the content is too.
Paladin for example divine tol for protection in keys would be amazing. Silence 5 mobs and generate huge instant agro. It’s an amazing ability.
Same ability on mythic nzoth though is pretty meh
I don’t blame them for not being able to balance them. I blame them for thinking they should or can when they could just make the abilities swappable.
Progression guilds in the top the first month of a raid release are such a small proportion of the game. It’s such a minority and why should the game balance around that? It just seems awful in so many ways. Really whatever happens they’ll work around it because that’s what they DO.
As opposed to the opposite scenario where … ?
Where what?
What is the downside of opening covenants up? Are you being punished?
Agreed. It would be disappointing to see a unique system ruined by the 1%ers and the people pretending to be the 1%s by making everything the same, and thus boring. Because people think they need to be 100% optimal at all times at everything they do.
There’s nothing wrong.
I do not intend to figure in the 1%.
I’m going to play the way I have the most fun even if it’s not the best.
I’m not the best at playing, but I’m also not the worst.
When everything becomes a competition there is a negative impact for those just looking to have fun.
I have fun as a holy priest.
But it’s not the best for M +
The numbers are not the best and the skills that I can bring to the group are not good either.
It’s my fault ? No.
Is it the fault of 1%? No.
But when everything moves around the “best number” then the one who just wants to have fun is rejected.
People say “form your own group” or “if you don’t want to be part of the 1% then your class doesn’t matter”
That argument doesn’t make sense.
I may be playing Rdruid which is very good for M + and still not be part of the 1%.
What I am trying to explain is very simple.
No player should be rejected from ANY aspect of the game simply for using a different class / profession / talent.
The only barriers or filters should be:
- time
- gear
- own ability
And that’s what the IO is for.
I recently started to heal M +
Last week I got my first +15 in time.
With enough time and practice and a good group of friends I am sure I could go further.
But that will NEVER remove the stigma of being a holy priest in M +
It’s not because I think I need to be its because I enjoy it.
What would be disappointing is letting a huge system of the game be ruined because of some spiteful players who (from the comments I’ve read here) don’t even do content where what talents they use even matter.
I’m still waiting for someone to explain a scenario where making them a talent row punishes anyone at all.
Yes, and that’s fine. Nobody is arguing that people shouldn’t be allowed to do the content they enjoy their way.
You can’t hold this opinion then get angry at the m+ pushers or the mythic raiders