Setting aside that nobody is going to be able to actually prove that “hundreds of thousands” of people agree with what they personally want, listening to feedback is important but it also doesn’t mean just doing what people tell you.
If Blizzard asked “Would you like full BiS gear” I imagine most people would say yes, but I don’t have to explain to anybody why adding that to the game would be a terrible idea.
There’s a lot of very valid criticism about covenants and although it seems like half the people replying to my first post didn’t bother to read the last sentence, I have said that they’re badly designed.
but I don’t think that “Let us change any choice any time for any reason as much as we’d like” is necessarily healthy for the game either.
The choice shouldn’t be that limiting in the first place unless maybe you’re the most extreme of min/maxers, in which case you probably already do a bunch of other crazy stuff to remain 100% optimal. That’s what that level of min/maxing requires.
If everything is going to require you have an optimal build anyway and there isn’t even a choice in the first place, then they should drop the illusion and just remove things like talents entirely.
Do you really think 99% of the player base won’t reach max level in Shadowlands? If so, don’t you think that will reflect poorly on the design of the expansion?
Achievements are account wide, you are just digging a deeper hole. I can click on you, and see your achievements across all characters. You can do the same for me if you’d like. I have little to no respect for someone who parrots off what top .01% mythic raiders say when you haven’t even cleared a Heroic Raid. I’m done with this conversation.
Realistically…if they are looking to challenge themselves…
Shouldn’t Method look at this as a new way to challenge the content or are they only interested in being the first post?
Oh no decisions have to be made…this is part of what has been lacking in this game for a long time. Its not about optimization its about overcoming with what you have.
Just to note people like Method aren’t necessarily looking to get the most challenge out of the game, but rather to play the game as efficiently as possible in order to compete with other guilds doing the same thing to see who can clear raids first.
I understand the concern even if I said I don’t think the game should really be designed around it.
Though like I pointed out much later in the thread it also gets caught up with the fact that there are a bunch of other problems with covenants just being badly designed regardless of the ease of changing the choice of them.
Method will have one of each class each with a different covenant. This is a job for them and they will do what they need to do. Others will not be willing to go that far and suffer for it.
I agree it shouldn’t be. I have no confidence Blizzard will make it so it won’t be, given they’ve never managed to do that in the past.
So how about making switching covenants exactly as difficult as switching talents? If Method wants to switch between bosses, they can drop a codex; the rest of us can go back to town.
Of course, that requires us to grind multiple covenants to play different parts of the game, so Blizzard needs to take that into account too.
I’ve seen several people make this dumb argument and it’s honestly just so stupid.
Method play the game “incorrectly”. You are, in fact, sometimes intended to suffer disadvantages in order for your advantages to be more pronounced. This is literally at the heart of an RPG. A melee character has certain advantages a ranged character does not for instance. If you torture yourself because you’re playing the game wrong trying to subvert those disadvantages, that’s on you. I’m not in any way culpable or required to agree to gutting the game so that you stop torturing yourself.
I said it once and I’ll say it again, if Method torture themselves over this choice, that means the choice is meaningful enough that it will actually be worth making.
We’re approaching peak entitlement. Peak, peak entitlement. You not only want to switch Covenants, but now Blizzard should hand you all of the other progressed Covenants? Dude, it sounds like you don’t want to be playing an RPG. Go play a different game. It’ll be better for everyone.