Dratnos' Big Shadowlands Fear

As I mentioned in my post, it’s not just Method, they are simply using their voice to bring an issue to Blizz’s attention, that is what I meant by “knowing what’s up”.

Anyone that raids or does M+ is a going to follow what these guys are doing, literally, they all min/max now, how many M+ players use Methods dungeon tool?

I’m not fanboi’ing for Method here but I do testing, so I know when you are not getting heard it’s great when the big kid in class stands up and helps raise the volume.

Yes, this is a major issue going forward for sure, I agree 100%.


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Strike 1.

Strike 2.

Strike 3 and you are out!

You are confusing how you want to play and some how need Blizzard to force that style on everyone because you need to feel as if your choices on this are “meaningful”.


You have this reversed my friend. I don’t need to do anything. Blizzard has already decided. Do you understand this? You are the one who is at bat, at risk of being struck out. Ion Hazzikostas is throwing the Covenant ball across the plate, you lose if you don’t convince the rest of the community and Blizzard that Covenants should be changed. The onus is on you to convince us, not on us to convince you.

I look at Icey Veins for logic in selecting x talent…doesnt mean I always agree with that selection and if I do I will make a different selection based on how I play the character…knowing full well IV will consider it “suboptimal”


You are very confused. You were the one trying to claim people are playing wrong and what makes a RPG. Just like every other borrowed power system this will be changed before the end of the xpac. Should we wait 6 months before Blizzard finally realizes they made a bad system for a 3rd time in a row or should it be changed now?


Just because it changes doesn’t mean they’re wrong. Blizzard isn’t wrong about flying being bad for the game but they also implement Pathfinder part 2 later in the expansion. It’s called playing both sides. They’ll appease pro-RPG players, and then they’ll appease anti-RPG players. Blizzard wants everyone’s money and actual compromise doesn’t work so they do this “temporal compromise” where they flip-flop between doing one thing and doing a different things. You call it “not learning their lesson”, I call it pragmatism.


Can I get some examples of this please?

Uhhh why? Why would you want people to be locked into a lackluster spec for a boss fight? You realize that some guilds take weeks to down bosses right?

Having guilds that actively participate in content for max 30 days dictate a years worth of content. That will go well as we see in BFA. Method having fears is a good thing.

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I think the covenant system is fine. People just need to learn to get used to not being 100% optimal at every aspect of the game 100% of the time. You’ll do fine, don’t worry.

How did this happen in BfA?

From what I’ve gathered, these “Method” individuals are universally hated by a majority of the community.

I can sort of see why.

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Oh wow! The top 1% of the playerbase is worried about a choice that is only going to really affect the top 1% of the playerbase!

In other news the sky is blue and water is wet!

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No game should revolve around the 1% of elitists.

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I agree. I’m going Night Fae on my main even if the ability was something crappy for my druid. The whole “Locked into a possibly unoptimal covenant” is only gonna really effect the top 1% of world first pushers. No one else is really gonna be effected by it.

The vast majority is to worried about something that, in the end, wont effect them. All along they wanted player choice and for our choices to matter and have consequences but now that its not what they wanted and are throwing a fit. They cant have it both ways.

So? They live their lives min/maxing alts and buying WF

If the devs offer me a choice that I will be locked into for 2 years, I interpret that as a commitment by the devs to ensure all choices take me down paths that are equally enjoyable.

You all keep saying “it only affects the 1%”. Did no one learn anything about the Alliance’s raid scene and the domino effect? If the top 1% make a big deal about it, the guilds a step under them will do the same and further and further down.


Nobody should really care about the gripes of the elitists.

No fun police.

These points are directly contradictory. At a moderate level it doesn’t matter what Essences you have.

This doesn’t stop players from freaking out about what Essences they or their group members have, or at what ranks, because WOW players are the biggest drama queens in the universe. But there is never a time in 99% of content when you can accurately say “We did all the mechanics fine but didn’t have the right essences to win”. If nobody in your group screwed up, you won and essences didn’t matter, and if you wiped to a mechanics fail, that’s what you need to fix, not essences.

If covenants are exactly as important to your character power as essences, then 99% of players will do fine with worst in slot.