Among other things, MDI is a form of play that doesn’t exist in the game. It’s about how fast you can do keys that you are way overgeared for, not about actually doing gear appropriate challenges.
Edit: I have only once ever seen an all night elf team in the game, and they refused to do a meld skip when I suggested one. I have never heard of a meld skip actually done in the game. I don’t think shadowmeld is particularly good in challenging content.
You said groups will expect everybody to take a specific covenant to skip trash. Assuming that will be possible (I doubt it), why don’t they require it now?
You’ll have had the opportunity to try out all of the covenant abilities before you choose.
You’ll be able to change covenants if you’re unhappy with your choice. You will not be “stuck” with your choice. You just won’t be able to swap back and forth rapidly.
This thread has really run its course. The whole pugging discussion is completely irrelevant to the OP’s topic, since pug heroic raids won’t require you to swap characters in between bosses.
Hmm, okay. But it is widely considered by the M+ community that Alliance, specifically night elves, are the most optimal race for M+ completion time, yet there’s a staggering amount of Horde teams that complete the most difficult keys. Why is that?
Basically why, against all forum knowledge of disc superiority in raids (against all healers not just for priests), do more people play holy even for mythic for the most part?
Don’t they know they are being horribly suboptimal??
If it rustles the jimmies of Method and other variants of spreadsheet junkies ,then it seems okay in my book. People should be able to have fun and progress their toons without having to constantly conform to meta/fotm specs [most likely a spec they hate IE- can go on for days about how I loathe how subtlety plays]
Though in terms of covenants,I do feel it should be approached carefully as it would be nice to experience everything without worry of being benched in guilds or denied in PUGs BECAUSE of the mentioned problem in the first bit of my statement. So again,if this puts a big kibosh on progress hindurance/c*ckblocking nonconforming casual players ala needless number crunching,then bravo and bring it on.
Your premise is mistaken. It’s the MDI fan community, not the community of people who actually run M+, that thinks that. If Shadowmeld were actually useful teams would have race changed for it by now. That the top 49 timed completions are all Horde pretty much disproves the theory that Shadowmeld is that useful for anyone who actually does M+.
Okay so let’s say for argument sake, you are correct, Horde is much better for M+. Then how are there alliance teams that have timed +27s? Do you see what I’m starting to get at here?
How can they clear such difficult content on a, to use your conclusions, a much weaker faction if their sub-optimal choice is unplayable?