Dratnos' Big Shadowlands Fear

They all originally had the ability to avoid packs but do it in different ways. A Necrolord would have to safely place their character before moving ahead. A Night Fae would walk right past. A Kyrian would carefully speed around them. A Venthyr would teleport right through them.

Now instead we have damage shield, teleport, furry blink, and potion.


Because having inadequate information at the time of the choice, causing the rest of the expansion to be unplayable, is so much fun? Covenants are likely to become a complete disaster. It might be fine for chat roleplayers who ignore actual game mechanics, but you guys can do whatever you want in emotes, without Blizzard having to put it into the game.

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They really just need to make venythir a travel and not a port and it already is a fairly big nerf.

Can make it a 2 min cd as well, or make it a 2s cast.

Necrolord should be instant cast that builds over 4 sec.

Kyrian should be 25% hp.

Hmm, I did not know that, thank you for the clarification. I wonder why they changed it so quickly, I didn’t even know they started with these.

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Blizzard is crafting the new dungeons. If that ability can be used to readily skip trash then it’s by design (like shadowmeld, invis, stealth, etc.). Either way, Kudos to your group if you can pull it off.

Door of Shadows isn’t just hype but it isn’t Door of Shadow vs just the other talent on that row. That’s what his little bald head either doesn’t get or as I speculate chooses to ignore - it’s not one ability vs one ability, it is one Covenant vs one Covenant, and Door of Shadows is not so much a game-breaker that it outweighs all possible perks yet to be revealed.

Right now we know Night Fae tanks get an extra cheat death ability from their soulbind, increased mitigation through converting over-healing into absorption, gaining extra versatility for themselves and the off-tank, and giving the raid haste, in addition to the conduits. That’s what you get from one of the soul-bind trees. Yes, I take all of that over Door of Shadows if the Venthyr tanking soulbind tree is garbage, even if I never really use fox form except to keep refreshing the raid-wide haste buff.

We just don’t know enough. We do NOT know enough. Door of Shadow is NOT “blow up the game” levels of broken, it simply isn’t. There are several classes with stealth skips and several classes with blink effects, and no, they don’t “get better” as you have more of them, that’s silly. His other argument was that other abilities can’t be required by fights because not everyone has them. Not everyone has immunities but some fights have been built around needing X number of them.

He’s just wrong. Wrong wrong wrong. Wrong. I can’t say wrong enough times. He can’t know. There’s a 1/4 chance Venthyr is the strongest for any given spec at this point essentially, it’s totally up to chance. There’s WAY too many variables still not hammered out.

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I wish they stuck with them. Hopefully they’ll consider re-implementing them again.

I don’t remember this at all. Why the hell would they change these??

It’s pretty easy to put a raid marker at a certain location and telling everyone to click there.

Now that’s a bit of a stretch, come on now. Sub-optimal? Sure. Unplayable? That’s a little melodramatic.

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Who knows. They were better though, do you agree?

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Much better.

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I don’t play Alliance. Do groups require people to play night elves?

I liked them more too, I didn’t even know that was an iteration. Did they say why they went away from that?

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That’s a negatory

Suboptimal is unplayable if you do any PVP, mythic raiding, or high keys - basically anything that involves combat other than emote “duels”.

Nope. I personally have a feeling they were looking at it through a sort of raid perspective.

So for instance, imagine those void waves in the Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar. In this case, it’s just a damage wall. A Necrolord would brute-force it. A Kyrian would cleanse it afterwards. A Venthyr would teleport behind it. A Night Fae would blink through it.

That’s the problem though. It only works in that scenario.

No. And what’s your point?

Making something a pain for hardcore players will not eliminate a hardcore lifestyle or get casual players invited to hardcore groups.

There is no victory to be had

Why not? You can skip packs that way. Of course you can shroud or use invis pots too. I guess this one will just the game though.

Shadowmeld is one of those things that might matter at the high end of pushing in some situations, but no one is pugging a +24.

Which is also somewhat likely to apply to all the pugging arguments in here.