Sweet. I re-rolled my Mage on Fairbanks this morning. Had to get off a little while ago and now came back to a 4000 queue wait lol. I’ll try finding you guys whenever I get back in.
Hey dude, we are still going strong if ya wanna join! The server ques have calmed down quite a bit now so I think this server is a good place to play. add me battlenet! Turtledunkz#1935
Zmog - Orc Rogue. Was pretty active in world PVP with Troll mage Juujuucannon and Undead warlock Mindless.
The three of us raided with HATE for a while. I think my career there was longest - from MC/Ony, ZG, BWL primarily. I remember having Perdition and Corehound tooth (which may still be in a bank slot on that character in retail) and feeling super strong. All-in-all we weren’t the best members, iirc. Most of my memories of raiding were in a private chat channel with the above buddies making fun of the leadership (Damebix is the only name I remember…I don’t think you deserved it but we were pretty harsh. I think I photoshopped your characters head on to a photo of a fat guy in leather bondage or something at some point)
Most notable memories were tracking down Yellowlight and Spit. At some point on some public forum some anon did a bunch of flaming and dug up some of my personal, probably cringe-worthy, junior high-era photos off MySpace or something and said I looked like Peewee Herman (lol, I still don’t see it, but apparently it still cuts deep 10 years later)
Too much reminiscing on my teenage years…let’s move on.
Hey Turtledunkz! I sent you a friend request on battlenet.
Glad to see there’s some ex-Eternal/Z4G people comin back. If you don’t remember me, I was Krugg the token boomkin. I also raided with Incarnadine as a resto druid way back in the day. I just resubbed today so hopefully i’ll catch someone on Fairbanks.
Hey there, I did not know this forum was setup for us.
I am looking for people from back in the day… I was in a few raiding guilds cryptic, a few others, then Templar well into BC.
I went by Terence UD priest and had two shamans Iounus troll shaman / Shammit tauren shaman. I remember quite a few of you that played on our side and the alliance side.
I’ve tried to get in touch with a couple people over the years.
Valarus Orc Warrior
Necrotitus UD mage
Salsa UD rogue (and his brother)
Ham Orc warrior (use to let me die all the time)
Hey dude I’m over on Fairbanks in a guild with quite a few others from Drak’thul. I recognize all those names on your list but I haven’t heard from or seen any of them that I know of. Look us up if you are re-rolling a classic.
(this is terence just changed to my current priest)
Hey demonexx I remember sitting outside of Gruul’s Lair with you before raid climbing up the stone spines so we could slow fall down and dot up alliance that were on their flying mounts afk way up in the sky.
Also all of the time Ham or Salsa would say “ok everyone out we gotta wipe them so we can res” when another alliance guide would show up as we were zoning in.
among other things we all did together. I miss those days. I am currently on Sulfuras … thanks to blizzard’s server bullshet the first few days and the infinite queue bullshet that happened. I started on Stalagg and ended up on Sulfuras I wish we could all be on the same server …
Maybe I will roll a Gnome Mage on Fairbanks named Butts so I can try to harass you guys before you go into a raid
Where did Valarus go … last I was told he was in some school for voice acting and I never heard from him again over the years.
names meatbeef on sulfuras
Dude! I remember running with your guys, Taggerung, UD Rogue. I seem to recall having a pirate themed guild. Where are you guys playing?
Man Taggerung i wanna man bake your meat beef on my back oven.
Oh, any time bby, meat me outside Org
Where is:
Valarus and Necrotitus
… I wonder if Necrotitus went to prison ???
Does anyone remember Valarus?
Shavo, you still playing classic on Bigglesworth?
I never really thought to do this until a guy in classic saw my name and we got to talking about this. My brother used to play wow alot back in the days during like vanilla and bc times. He was the one that introduced me to video games and got me hooked on wow and id sit up all day and night watching him play and just be fascinated. Unfortunately he passed away in 2009 when i was only 9 years old and it devastated me. I have been playing wow ever since he showed me it and i didnt really start until wotlk came out. Ive always used his name “bassh” as a reminder of him when i log in and its always been nice having a piece of him with me throught my life still. Im just out here shooting a shot in the dark to see if anyone had ever played with him or remembers him that way i can hear some stories about him or anything. his name was bassh, he was a troll hunter. i cant remember the server exactly but i belive it was either kelthuzad, kaelthas, or darkthul. anything would be nice, screenshots, stories, just telling me you knew him would make my day. i know it probably wont happen but if you read this and share it or knew him i just wanna say thank you guys.
tldr: bassh troll hunter, he was my brother and i wanna find people who knew him 1
Evustavik, 49 UD Rogue
Anyone affiliated with MCST or Team Muffin on ally side, or any 49 twink that used to run with us back in those days. Trying to reform MCST on Kurinnaxx if anyone is interested.
Do you have Shred?
Memories of Murder
Currently playing on Anathema
Looking for any of the people that hung out with Enraged Peasantry. Brandella and Daenara are accounted for.
Did you ever find anyone from MCST?
Man, I need to check these more frequently i guess. I didn’t. I did run into someone several months ago that used to play on drak’thul and remembered me and the guild MCST but that was about it.
Shred was GM of MCST. Haven’t seen or heard of/from him since those days though.