Drak'thul Horde Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Drak’thul (US) in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

  • Your character’s name, race and class.
  • The name of your original guild on this realm.
  • The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!

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Eta, Meatwall, Nimvexium, Demonilith

Eta was a warlock and Meatwall was a Warrior/MT. Did you main tank Molten Core? I think I was in a guild with you, can’t remember the name.

I played Svartberg, a warrior for all of vanilla. Finished vanilla raiding with Inquisition, cant remember the names of the guilds I was in prior to that.

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I used to raid with you! Zoruh, warlock. Was the guild Nihilism or something similar?

Malpraktus, Malp/s/z (some combination). I played a Druid, lots of alts.

I was in The Sundering with Magicmonarch (mage), which I’m pretty sure was a move from the Alliance guild Genesis which was on Medivh.

If you remember me, would love to hear from you: Discord cjop#6464

I played a Druid named Farthu, I use to spam woga woga a lot…
Played with Checkit (Shaman), Bigduff(Mage), Knivesor(Warrior), Exxo(Shaman). On Alliance there was Spit(Gnome mage), Slayton(Ret Pally).


Wasn’t Eta that dude that made everyone think he was a girl?


I was in the same guild - I remember Meatwwall, Eta, and all you guys. I played a Resto/Ele shaman (checkitt) and a spriest (I raided Karazan and Gruuls wwith yall). Farthu and duff were apart of our group too

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Think you are going to play ret again my dude? I loved the worldpvp back then! :smiley:

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I was Turtledunkz in a nameless guild in vanilla, but is anyone around from Templar, Thunderwalkers, or Eternal?(Zerg 4 Epix).

Some say the Thunderwalkers are still retreating to Stormbreaker Hold…


aw yeah! Beyturga of Eternal/Zerg 4 Epix from the BC days. Cannot remember any of my vanilla guilds.

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Dude! Remember Zarima & Mothboy?

Hopscotch, Troll Hunter, <Memories of Murder>

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Tauren Shaman
Lost Ambition
Btag: JokersWA#1843

We were in Death to False Metal! Don’t remember anyone’s names though. =/

Was in a PvP guild called Death to False Metal. Don’t remember anyone’s names but remember it being a great crew. Would be cool to catch up again and do some world PvP!

Farthu!! Whats up man?!

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Stabbity, Rogue form Memories of Murder Sup Hopscotch! seen any others around?


Troll Priest
Guild - Counter Alliance Unit
Lots of runs with Rotten Monkey Clan

Xkilla, Orc, Shaman
I remember Mishalla, Beyondxsight, Shavo, Milkman just a few of the people I remember grouping with for BGS. was alot of fun running with you guys.

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