Drak'thul Horde Reconnections

Hi All,
I played the following:
Ajaxkidd- UD Lock
Acetaminophen- BE Priest in BC
Cloroxkidd- Drood

Looking to reconnect with old friends and guildies. Majority of the time we were in Counter Alliance Unit. A lot of us have linked up and are ready to play classic on launch.
People I remember from way back when:
Icevein- we need you buddy!
Salsbury- lets catch up

I remember we rolled with Rotten Monkey Clan from time to time



Played on dthul since launch to wrath.
Villoviss warlock
Cryptic, inquisition, Memories of Murder

BC i was with Eternal/Zerg 4 epix.

Playing with a ton of original dthul players on Horde Fairbanks

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Fairbanks is where its gonna be at!

Hey guys! Its me Jubnar (Jub-nar) :slight_smile: I used to play in a guild called Epsilon
ANT FARM KEYBOARD and I played as a Undead Warlock on Drak’thul, we used to raid Ulduar a lot, but I still play this game now and then! I’m stoked for Classic WoW tho! I stream on Twitch now so you can find me at Twitch . tv/Jubnar my battle net is #1707 so feel free to add me up!

Damn, Hello Mr. Spit, Vampiran from here, you were always everywhere we were somehow. IIRC you were a T2 gnome mage with engineering. We fought in BRS a ton and met a few times in BC before you quit. Some of my best PVP moments were against you on my Warrior

Hey Kittencoil - I remember you well i used to raid as a resto shaman and hunter - Xosterer / Xosted - My friends and I are probably going Stallagg server Horde obviously. Add me on BattleNet - GwineMAN#1358

Hey Turtledunkz! I remember doing Arenas with you in BC / WoTLK We also played classic on Drak’Thul and Chromaggus Add me on battle.net GwineMAN#1358

Hey Gotdat! I remember you from TBC days running KARA together.

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Hasu here! Leader of Lost Ambition back in the day! Troll Mage

Daenaris Undead Rogue Strathclyde Clan. Lamballs Undead Warrior Strathclyde Clan

Shavo, Orc Shaman
Dead Presidents
Anyone from Dead Presidents, Team Sleep, Team Shavo Slap, MoM, etc

I’ll be on Bigglesworth (also Shavo) to give classic a spin.


Xkilla!!! What is up??? Milkman directed me to this post. He says hi as well!

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Hey I was Enrishiko mainly. Fury/Prot Warrior. Looking through the list I remember Meatwall and Kittencoil. I don’t remember what guilds I was in, but vaguely remember the names Team IGA and Epsilon. I’ll be rolling on Grobbulus though.

Hey bro, some of us old eternal are playing on Fairbanks horde. Napoleond, beyturga, villovis, soon to be a few others! We have pretty big guild right now and you are welcome to join!

MariasNight // Troll Priest // PostPWND x Savage Reign

Good see you man. I had a blast running with you and your crew, I’ll be rolling a shaman again on Whitemane, named Torque or Toruku

Swiftmend, Sonju, Wildheart I think, all I know is I was a super BAD druid healer.
I forgot my BC and Vanilla guild.
But my friend and I caused my vanilla it to dissolve cause of some dumb drama caused that caused the guild to dissolve in the middle of our AQ40 Raid.
I left in BC to play with my old friends.
I don’t remember the guild I leveled with in vanilla, we always grouped and we all had no idea what we were doing.
I hope I can find yall.

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Yoooo Darunia, holy crap. We used to tank/heal together in early BC, right before BT came out.

My characters name was Swiftmend back in the day, and I think Darunia would always try and solo heal Karazhan.

I remember all of you! Dreadexx UD Warlock - Conclave was my first raiding guild! Moved on to inquisition later

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man that is where i learned to heal as a h pally. Hows goes it ? add me if you want to play some time im on stallag swizzl#1662